
Aquatic Biological Surveys
Wetland delineations, wetlands, and others
Reports listed by island
- Click here for our 10 MOST RECENT wetland survey reports
- Jurisdictional waters determination and delineations for the West Kauai Energy Project. AECOS No.1741: 48 pp. + attachments. January 2023.
- preliminary assessment of wetlands and other surface waters at Kapalawai, Kauai. Letter Report. AECOS No. 1751: 4 pp. December 2022.
- A natural resources review for Wailua Reservoir and Puu Lua Reservoir Kauai, Hawaii.
AECOS No. 1705: 29 pp. April 2022.
- Natural Resources Assessments for BMP Improvements at Various Refuse Transfer Stations Kauai, Hawaii. AECOS No.1653: 48 pp. March 2021.
- Wetlands survey on TMK: 4-12-002:001 por., 4-12-001:006 por., 4-14-001:014 por., and
4-14-001:002 por. for a Kauai Island Utility Corporation energy storage project, Mana, Kauai. AECOS No. 1423: 37 pp. October 2015.
- Water quality, biological, and jurisdictional surveys for highway improvements at the
Kauai Community Correctional Center, Wailua, Kauai. AECOS No. 1351A: 25 pp. July 2013.
- Wetland delineation on TMK: (4) 5-9-03: 040 and 007 in Limahuli Valley, Kauai. AECOS
No. 1284B: 16 pp plus attachments. December 2011.
- Wetland considerations for a private parcel (TMK: (4) 5-2-21: 007-0004) along the Kilauea River, Kahili Makai Estates, Kauai. AECOS No. 1210: 15 p. September 2009.
- Biological and water quality surveys of Kaloko Marsh at Kuhio Highway, Wailua, Kauai.
AECOS No. 1155A: 7 pp. April 2009.
- Pilaa property (Kauai) wildlife monitoring: Gulch 4 6-month and Gulch 2 1-year post-construction monitoring report. AECOS No. 1036J: 31 p. January 2009.
- A wetland delineation for a comfort station individual wastewater treatment system modification at Haena State Park, Kauai. Prep. for Strategic Solutions Inc. AECOS No.
1179: 6 p. October 2008.
- Pilaa Property (Kauai) wildlife monitoring: Gulch 4, Lake 1 preconstruction baseline and
Gulch 2 six-month, post-construction monitoring report. AECOS No. 1036I: 27 p. October 2008.
- Wetland delineation at Akulikuli, Kealia Forest Reserve, Kapaa, Kauai. AECOS No. 1157A:
14 pp. January 2008.
- Biological survey and water quality analysis for the Kuamoo Road culvert extension in
Wailua, Kauai. AECOS No. 1161: 12 p. November 2007.
- First annual monitoring report for a removal/restoration of an impacted wetland site on a private parcel (TMK: 5-4-04:54) along the Hanalei River, Kauai. AECOS No. 1066C. August 2007.
- Best Management Practices Plan: Restoration of an impacted wetland site on parcel
TMK:5-4-04:54 (Ben-Dor) along the Hanalei River, Kauai. AECOS No. 1066B: 6 pp. June 2005.
- A removal/restoration plan for an impacted wetland site on a private parcel
(TMK: 5-4-04:54) along the Hanalei River, windward Kauai. AECOS No. 1066A: 30 pp. March 2005.
- Environmental assessment and proposed mitigative actions for construction of a residence
in a wetland area off Anini Road, Kauai. AECOS No. 617: 18 pp. 1990.
- Delineation of state waters on TMKs: 4-7-014: 051, 052, and 055 Kahaluu, windward Oahu. AECOS No.1719B: 16 pp. plus attachments. March 2023.
- A natural resources assessment for Waipahu Convenience Center improvements . AECOS No.1746: 24 pp. plus attachments. March 2023.
- Wetland delineation on TMK: 5-4-004: 021 in Hauula on windward Oahu. AECOS No. 1712: 35 pp + attachments. February 2023.
- Delineation of state waters on TMKs 4-7-014: 051, 052, and 055 Kahaluu, windward Oahu. AECOS No. 1719: 21 pp. plus attachments. May 2022.
- A natural resources assessment for the proposed Honolulu Police Department Training Academy new parking and master plan improvements. AECOS No. 1667: 29 pp. + attachments. April 2022.
- Environmental surveys for Tai Lee Reservoir, Waimanalo, Oahu. AECOS No.1669: 28 pp + attachments. June 2021.
- Jurisdictional waters determination for the Waiawa Phase 2 Solar and Storage Project, Ewa District, Oahu. AECOS No 1649: 19 pp. January 2021.
- Preliminary jurisdictional waters assessment of TMK: 1-5-3-009:023 (por.) Letter report. AECOS No. 1646: 4 pp. December 2020.
- Jurisdictional waters survey of TMKs 4-7-058: 001 and 002 Kahaluu, windward Oahu.
AECOS No.1643: 20 pp. + attachments. December 2020.
- Jurisdictional waters survey for Mahiko Farms, TMK: (1)6-8-006:010 Mokuleia, Waialua, Oahu. AECOS No.1616: 30 pp. March 2020.
- Results of 2/20/2020 preliminary wetland and jurisdictional waters assessment of TMK:
5-3-009:088-092. Letter report. AECOS No. 1620: 7 pp. February 2020.
- Jurisdictional waters survey for Loko ia o Heeia (Heeia Fishpond) mangrove removal, Koolaupoko, Oahu. AECOS No.1608: 25 pp. + attachments. February 2020.
- Natural resources assessment of Manuwai Canal and Kaloaloa Canal for Taxiway A reconstruction at Daniel K. Inouye International Airport Honolulu, Island of Oahu. AECOS No.1590: 70 pp. December 2019.
- Jurisdictional waters survey for the Pouhala Marsh Wetland Restoration Project at TMK:
(1) 9-3-001:002 (por.), (1) 9-3-001:012 (por.), and (1) 9-3-001:006 (por.)Waipahu, Oahu. AECOS No. 1595: 21. October 2019.
- Environmental surveys in Oio Gulch for a bridge widening project Turtle Bay Resort, Kahuku, Oahu. AECOS No.1547: 41 pp. + atachments. September 2018.
- Jurisdictional Delineation of Waters of the U.S. at Sand Island Waste Water Treatment Plant, Honolulu, Oahu. AECOS No. 1516B. 20 pp + attachments. September 2018.
- Clean Water Act, federal jurisdiction issues at the proposed Adventist Health Castle, Hawaii Loa campus hospital facility, Koolaupoko District, O'ahu. AECOS No. 1552. 20 pp + attachments. September 2018.
- Results of 6/4/2018 aquatic features survey for Waipio Solar Farm. AECOS No. 1520C: 3 pp. June 2018.
- Revised Results of 5/4/2018 aquatic features survey of Kawailoa NRG property at "Snake Road". AECOS No. 1520B: 3 pp. June 2018.
- Results of 2/9/2018 wetland survey of TMK: 4-2-02:045. AECOS No. 1530:5 pp. March 2018.
- Wetland survey of TMK: (1) 9-4-009:124 (por.) Peke Lane, Waipahu, Oahu. AECOS No.
1534: 21 pp. April 2018.
- Aquatic biological surveys for the Kawainui-Hamakua Marsh Complex Master Plan. AECOS
No. 1482B. 45 pp. November 2017.
- Biological surveys for planning wetland enhancements at two sites on Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH), Oahu. AECOS No. 1450. 32 pp. November 2017.
- Wetlands delineation of TMK: 1-1-003:004 (por.) beside Moanalua Stream estuary, Mapunapuna, Oahu. AECOS No. 1509: 16 pp. September 2017.
- Biological and water quality surveys for the Ulehawa U-2 Channel repair project Nanakuli, Oahu. AECOS No. 1512B: 14 pp. August 2017.
- Marine biological and water quality surveys for the Kaupuni Channel repair project Waianae, Oahu. AECOS No. 1508: 32 pp. August 2017.
- Wetlands delineation of TMK: 4-2-003:030 Hamakua Marsh, Kailua, Oahu. AECOS No. 1506: 14 pp. August 2017.
- Natural resources survey and wetlands delineation for a wastewater force main from
Kalihi Kai to Keehi Lagoon Beach Park, Honolulu, Oahu. AECOS No. 1505: 21 p. July 2017.
- (letter) Existing Hoopili retention basin. AECOS 1491B: 12 pp. March 2017.
- Jurisdictional waters delineation and flora and fauna surveys of TMK: 1-1-003:003 (por.), 204(por.), 205 (por.), 206 (por.), 207 (por.), 211 (por), 212 (por.), and 1-2-021:035 (por.) beside Keehi Lagoon, Honolulu, Oahu. AECOS No. 1488B: 21 pp. December 2016.
- Jurisdictional waters delineation and flora and fauna surveys of TMK: 1-1-003:003 (por.),
207 (por.), 211 (por), and 212 (por.) for the KHKA antenna site beside Keehi Lagoon Honolulu, Oahu. Prep. for Centerline, Inc.. AECOS No. 1488: 18 pp. December 2016.
- Surveys for the presence of jurisdictional wetlands on agricultural land (TMK: 5-3-005:007
& 026) at Punaluu, windward Oahu. AECOS No. 1483: 21 pp. November 2016.
- Wetlands survey at Ahuimanu Wastewater Pretreatment Facility, Ahuimanu, Oahu. AECOS
No. 1445: 8 pp. July 2015.
- Wetlands delineation on TMK: 4-7-13:010, 011, and 016 Kahaluu, Oahu. AECOS No. 1421:
9 pp. January 2015.
- Wetlands delineation on TMK: 4-2-07:001, Maunawili, Oahu. AECOS No. 1406B: 16 pp. December 2014.
- Wetlands delineation on TMK: 5-3-003:001 por. and TMK: 5-3-001:041 por. & 052 por. for Kamehameha Schools Punaluu Agricultural Lands, Punaluu, Oahu. AECOS No. 1402: 30 pp. November 2014.
- Wetlands survey of TMK: 4-2-07: 001 in Maunawili, Oahu. Letter report for R.M. Towill. AECOS No. 1406: 14 pp. November 2014.
- Wetlands delineation on TMK: 5-2-002:001 for Kamehameha Highway, South Kahana
Bridge Replacement Project, Kahana, Oahu. AECOS No. 1093D: 17 pp. + append. October 2014.
- Wetlands delineation on TMK: (1) 6-6-009: 002 and 6-6-010: 003 in Haleiwa, Oahu.
AECOS No. 1336: 19 pp. November 2012. AECOS 1336B: 23 pp. rev. September 2014.
- Assessment of wetlands occurrence and distribution on five lots in Kaalaea, windward Oahu. Prep. for OceanView/Kress. AECOS No. 1379: 13 pp. July 2014.
- Environmental surveys for the Haleiwa Road Drainage Improvements Project, Haleiwa, Oahu. Prep. for Gray, Hong, and Nojima. AECOS No. 1377: 42 pp. February 2014.
- TBR Aquatic Features Descriptions and Status. Draft. AECOS No. 1383: 44 pp.
February 2014.
- Wetland reconnaissance investigation of TMK: 8-6-009: 007 in Lualualei, Oahu. AECOS No. 1318: 4 pp. May 2012.
- Wetland delineation for TMKs (1) 6-6-004: 013-019, 027, 028, and 032 in Haleiwa, northshore Oahu. AECOS No. 1263: 14 pp. April 2011.
- Biological reconnaissance and water quality survey of Halawa Stream estuary for a maintenance dredging project, Halawa, Oahu. AECOS No. 1062: 24 pp. March 2009.
- Wetland delineation for the proposed Kapolei Harborside Center drainage channel,
Campbell Industrial Park, Oahu. AECOS 583C: 19 p. November 2008.
- Wetlands survey and delineation for the Catholic Diocese property (TMK: 9-1-17:010 &
041) in Honouliuli at Old Fort Weaver Road on Oahu. AECOS No. 1185: 8 p. October 2008.
- Biological and water quality surveys of Malaekahana Stream and the marine environment
off the proposed Kahuku Village subdivision in Kahuku, Oahu. AECOS No. 1172: 19 p. May 2008.
- Biological and water quality considerations for the Central Oahu Facilities Management
Plan EIS. AECOS No. 1003: 60 pp. January 2008 (rev 2)[Lake Wilson]
- Pearl Harbor Wetlands Inventory. 150 pp. November 2007.
- Wetland site reconnaissance for lots 4604 and 5345 at Ko Olina, Oahu, Hawaii. Letter report. AECOS No. 1149: 3 p. July 2007.
- Wetland site reconnaissance, Dey Family Subdivision, Waimanalo, Hawaii. AECOS 1137:
5 p. February 2007.
- Feasibility study for mangrove removal along the south Kaneohe Bay shoreline, Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Kaneohe, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1107B: 110 pp. December 2006.
- Wetland boundary determinations for proposed culverts/road crossings at Kealiakealanani Project site, Kealia, Kauai. Honolulu. AECOS No. 1135: 12 p. December 2006.
- Descriptive report on "wetland" conditions and status for the Kukuiula Planned Community lower sedimentation basin. AECOS Consultants No. AC045A: 6 p. July 2005.
- Botanical and wetland survey of a private parcel (TMK: 4-7-071:001) at Valley of the
Temples Memorial Park in Ahuimanu, windward Oahu. AECOS No. 1063: 8 p. June 2004.
- Review and assessment of Wahiawa Reservoir water quality in relation to completed modifications to the Wahiawa Wastewater Treatment Plant. AECOS No. 899C: 31 pp. December 2003.
- Assessment of wetland conditions on Parcel TMK: 9-7-19: 38 in Waiau, Central Oahu.
AECOS Consultants No. AC035: 5 p. 2003.
- A wetland boundary determination for the Waipahu Ash Landfill Closure, Waipahu, Oahu. AECOS No. 987A: 14 p. October 2001.
- Environmental assessment for relocation of the drainline "N" outlet structure at The
Peninsula (TMK: 3-9-08: 010) in Hawaii Kai, east Oahu. AECOS Consultants No. AC023B: 14 pp. 2001.
- Environmental assessment for a proposed shore protection structure at The Peninsula (TMK: 3-9-08: 036) in Hawaii Kai, east Oahu. AECOS Consultants No. AC023A: 23 p. 2001.
- Aquatic resources survey for the HECO Waiau Power Generating Station on East Loch of
Pearl Harbor, Oahu.AECOS No. 961A: 15 p. 2001.
- Wetland resources inventory for City & County of Honolulu coastal parcel at Waiahole,
Oahu. [with Dr. E. Funk]. AECOS No. 824C: 7 p. 2001.
- Wetland delineation and observations for the Waikane Nature Park, Waikane, Island of
Oahu. AECOS No. 919: 10 p. October 2000.
- Wetland resources inventory for City & County of Honolulu coastal parcels,
Waiahole-Waikane Park, Oahu. [with Dr. E. Funk]. AECOS No. 824B: 16 p. 2000.
- Review and assessment of Wahiawa Reservoir water quality in relation to proposed modifications to the Wahiawa WWTP. AECOS No. 899A: 45 pp. May 1999.
- Biological survey of East End or Keehi Canal at the Honolulu International Airport, Oahu. AECOS No. 900C: 10 p. March 1999.
- Biological survey of Manuwai Canal at the Honolulu International Airport, Oahu. AECOS No. 900B: 16 p. August 1998.
- Effluent disposal of wastewater for Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii. Wahiawa Reservoir water quality studies. 41 p. plus appendices. 1995.
- Environmental observations, Kapalama Canal at Nimitz Highway. AECOS No. 542. 1988.
- 1994 Environmental Study of the Nuupia Ponds Wildlife Management Area, MCBH-KB,
Oahu, Hawaii. Tasks 5a, 5b, 5c, 5e, 5f, & 5g. AECOS No. 761B: 66 p. + append. March 1995.
- Kawainui Marsh Flood Control Project Preconstruction Water Quality Monitoring Assessment Using Existing Data. AECOS No. 810: 10 p. February 1995.
- An environmental reconnaissance survey of the Haleiwa Bypass Highway marsh at Haleiwa, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 758: 14 p. January 1994.
- Environmental assessment for installation of floating docks, "The Peninsula", Hawaii Kai. AECOS No. 629. 1991.
- A biological reconnaissance survey and environmental assessment for the Heeia Wastewater Collection System, Heeia, Oahu. AECOS No. 562: p. 1990.
- Environmental considerations for the Hilton (Kahanamoku Beach) Lagoon Project, Waikiki, Oahu. In: Hilton Lagoon. Concept Report. AECOS 586A: 11 p. 1990.
- Biological Surveys in the Nuupia Ponds Wildlife Management Area in Association with the November 1984 Opening of the Paakai/Kailua Bay Channel. AECOS No. 424. 1985.
- "Before"/"After" monitoring of water quality and hydrological patterns in association with
a channel dredging project at the Nuupia Ponds Wildlife Management Area (WMA). AECOS No. 423: 106 p. + appendices. July 1985.
- Hydrological Patterns and Water Quality of the Nuupia Ponds, Marine Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay, Island of Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 374: 120 p. September 1983.
- Nutrient and Suspended Solids Budget for Kawainui Marsh, Oahu, Hawaii. Final Report. AECOS No. 268: 54 p. plus appendices. October 1981.
- Salt and Tide Incursion at the Mouth of Heeia Stream, Kaneohe. ECI No. 130. 1976.
- Wetlands delineation on TMK: (2) 3-9-009: 007 Kihei, Maui. AECOS No. 1733: 7 pp. + attachment. November 2022.
- Environmental surveys for Honokowai Hawaiian Homelands water system improvements, Napili-Honokowai, Maui. Prep. for Munekiyo and Hiraga. AECOS No.1607: 30 pp. + attachments. June 2021.
- A functional evaluation and assessment of impacts to Keawanui Wetland by a drainage channel realignment at Kaamola and Keawanui, Molokai. AECOS No. 1320A: 27 pp. January 2013.
- Summary report: Pre- and post-dredging video assessment of entrance channel margins
at Lahaina Small Boat Harbor, Maui. AECOS No. 1302B: 5 pp. July 2012.
- Kaunakakai ferry system improvements coral transplantation plan. AECOS No. 1211B: 19 pp. March 2012.
- Coral transplantation plan for maintenance dredging and pier removal project in Lahaina Small Boat Harbor, Maui, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1302A: 9 pp. February 2012.
- Marine biological, wetland, and water quality surveys for Drainage System "B"
Improvements Kaunakakai, Molokai, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1290: 27 pp. January 2012.
- Wetland delineation at Kalaeloa, Molokai. AECOS No. 1225: 29 pp. September 2010.
- Wetland delineation of East Kapu Place, Kihei, Maui. AECOS No. 1104: 57 pp. April 2008
(rev. August 2010).
- A removal/restoration plan for an impacted wetland site at D&J Ocean Farm (TMK:
5-6-006: 024 & 034) at Manae along the south coast of Molokai. AECOS Consultants No. AC059: 16 p. August 2006.
- Descriptive report on an isolated wetland at Makena State Park, Makena, Maui with consideration to wetland enhancement options. [with R. David]. AECOS Consultants No. AC036: 20 p. 2003.
- Jurisdictional waters and wetlands survey of TMKs: (3)2-3-030: 004 and (3)2-3-030: 001 (por.) Ainako, South Hilo, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1734: 30 pp + attachments. October 2022.
- Assessment of jurisdictional waters for Ke Ola Lani at Waikoloa Village, North Kona, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1730: 34 pp. + attachments. September 2022.
- Jurisdictional delineation of Kaupulehu Fishpond at Kona Village Resort, North Kona, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1524. 30 pp. + attachments. January, 2018.
- Wetland delineation Kionakapahu (Waiahole) Pond, Honohononui, Keaukaha, Island of
Hawaii. AECOS No. 1440B: 20 pp. August 2016.
- Wetlands and jurisdictional waters survey on TMK: (3) 2-03-004:009, 020, and 021 for Lake View Estates, South Hilo, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1426: 37 pp. June 2015.
- Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) delineation in Hilea Gulch and Ninole Gulch, Kau District, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1411: 18 pp. March 2015.
- Preliminary wetlands and botanical surveys at Honohononui, Keaukaha, Island of Hawaii. AECOS No. 1342: 43 pp. June 2013.
- Report on jurisdictional waters for the Lower East Side of the New Saddle Road Project,
State Highway 200 (MP 11 to MP 6) Island of Hawaii. AECOS No. 1213B: 29 pp. October 2010.
- Preliminary reconnaissance survey of aquatic features between survey points 1700+00
and 1855+00 for the New Saddle Road Project, Island of Hawaii. AECOS No. 1213A: 10 p. January 2010.
- Biological and water quality reconnaissance survey of streams and potential wetlands
near Pohala, Kau, Island of Hawaii. AECOS No. 1171: 21 p. June 2008.
- A wetlands reconnaissance survey along Keanuiomano Stream at Hawaii Preparatory Academy, Waiaka, Hawaii (revised). AECOS No. 1143B: 17 p. May 2008.
- Water quality and biological surveys of Ahalanui Park, Pualaa, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1133:
15 pp. January 2007.
- Guam and Tinian wetlands inventory. Prep. with Wil Chee Planning Inc. AECOS 1130: 269 p. August 2008.
- Wetland delineation of Island Equipment Co. property in Hagatna, Guam; for Island Equipment Co. AECOS No. 1151. January 2008.
- Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) wetlands report. State of the wetlands and recommendations for new wetlands policy for CNMI Coastal Resources Management Office and CNMI Wetlands Task Force. AECOS No. 1077: 89 p. June 2005.
- Section 404(b)(1) Evaluation for the Palau Compact Road. In: Environmental Impact Statement for Construction of the Palau Compact Road, Babeldaob Island, Republic of Palau [Wil Chee Planning, Inc.] AECOS No. 850D: 43 p. 1998.
- Biological Survey of marine ponds at the Pago Pago International Airport, Island of Tutuila, American Samoa. AECOS No. 886: 18 p. 1997.

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AECOS stream and lake surveys
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If interested in obtaining a copy of a report listed here (and provided the client does not object to its release if not a public document), send an email to the AECOS Inc. office [AECOS@AECOS.com]. It is important to provide the correct AECOS job number in your request. Documents distributed as a .PDF emailed back to you are provided at no charge. Some older documents may not be available from our archives.