
Stream Surveys & OHWM Determinations
- Jurisdictional Waters Determination for Waimalu Stream Utility Bridge Improvements Aiea, Oahu. Prep. for Sea Engineering Inc. AECOS No. 1827: 16 pp. August 2024.
- Aquatic features within a new road alignment on TMKs: (3)2-3-031:001 (por.) and (3)2-3-030:001 (por.), Ainako, South Hilo, Hawaii. Prep. for . AECOS No. 1734B: 14 pp. plus appendices. July 2024.
- A natural resources assessment for Kaumualii Highway, Kekaha, Kauai. Prep. for Akinaka & Associates, Ltd. AECOS No. 1823: 33 pp. July 2024.
- Biological surveys for Waiawa Hydroelectric Plant Waimea, Kauai. Prep. for Akinaka & Associates, Ltd. AECOS No. 1815: 22 pp. June 2024.
- Biological resources survey for repair of Waikamoi Stream Bridge, East Maui. Prep. for G70. AECOS No. 1811: 20 pp. June 2024.
- Jurisdictional determination for Wailele and Ihiihi streams, Laie, Oahu. Prep. for Climbworks, Inc. AECOS No. 1816: 14 pp. plus appendices. May 2024.
- Analysis of Maui County Council Ordinance No. 5421 and draft wetlands overlay map. Prep. for Honuaula Partners. AECOS No. 1826: 4 pp. May 2024.
- Biological resources survey and jurisdictional determination for 16th Avenue Culvert Kaimuki, Oahu. Prep. for Sea Engineering Inc. AECOS No. 1805B: 21 pp. plus appendices. May 2024.
- Jurisdictional waters determination for TMK: 2-5-005:018, Paia, Maui. Prep. for PBR Hawaii
& Associates, Inc.. AECOS No.1779: 19 pp. plus appendices. May 2024.
- Maui County Council Ordinance No. 5421 and draft wetlands overlay map. Prep. for Cades Shutte, LLP. AECOS No. 1779B: 2 pp. May 2024.
- [MORE aquatic surveys listed by island]
Wetland Surveys & Delineations
- Jurisdictional waters determination and delineation for Waiulaula Stream, Queen Emma Land, Hawaii. Prep. for Okahara and Associates, Inc.. AECOS No. 1833: 13 pp plus attachments. August 2024.
- Wetland Rapid Assessment Procedure (WRAP) for Wetland at P-608 Naval Base Guam Ordnance Annex, Guam. Prep. for Naval Base Guam. AECOS No. 1793B: 6 pp + appendices. July 2024.
- Wetland delineation on TMK: 5-3-005:070 in Hauula, windward Oahu.. Prep. for 5ksENV, Island Resource Solutions. AECOS No. 1802: 16 pp. plus appendices. February 2024.
- Wetland delineation at P-608 Naval Base Guam Munitions Site, Guam. Prep. for Naval Base Guam. AECOS No.1793: 27 pp + appendices. January 2024.
- (letter) Results of our 12/11/2023 site visit to Campbell Drainage Channel. Prep. for James Campbell Company. AECOS No. 583L: 5 pp. March 2024.
- Jurisdictional waters determination and delineations for the West Kaua?i Energy Project.
Prep. for G70. AECOS No.1741: 70 pp. plus attachments. August 2023.
- Jurisdictional waters determination on TMK (1) 9-1-014:042 (por.), Ewa District, Oahu Hawaii. Prep. for James Campbell Company. AECOS No. 1770: 14 pp. plus appendices. June 2023.
- Biological resources survey and jurisdictional waters determination for the DLNR East Kapolei Transit-Oriented Development Project. Prep. for Munekiyo Hiraga and Associates, Inc. AECOS No.: 26 pp. + attachments. March 2023.
- Jurisdicitonal Waters assessment for the Waimea Trails and Greenway Project, South Kohala, Hawaii Island. Prep. for Okahara and Associates, Inc. AECOS No.1736: 24 pp + attachments. March 2023.
- Jurisdictional Waters determination for the Kula Agricultural Park Expansion Project in Kula, Maui, Hawaii. Prep. for Munekiyo Hiraga and Associates, Inc. AECOS No. 1739: 26 pp + attachments. March 2023.
- [MORE wetland surveys listed by island]
Lake, Reservoir, & Fishpond Surveys
- Faunal resources and water quality assessment for the Wahiawa Freshwater State Recreational Area. Prep. for HHF Inc. AECOS No. 1721: 18 pp. August 2024.
- Biological resources survey and jurisdictional waters determination and delineation for Lower Kapahi Reservoir, Kapaa, Kauai. Prep. for GEI. AECOS No.1375B: 43 pp. plus attachments. October 2023.
- A natural resources review for Wailua Reservoir and Puu Lua Reservoir Kauai, Hawaii. Prep. for Gannett Flemming. AECOS No. 1705: 29 pp. April 2022.
- Environmental surveys for Tai Lee Reservoir, Waimanalo, Oahu. Prep. for Okahara & Associates. AECOS No.1669: 28 pp + attachments. June 2021.
- A natural resources assessment for planned improvements to the Wahiawa reclaimed water and irrigation system, Wahiawa, central O‘ahu. Prep. for the Limtiaco Group. AECOS No. 1504: 52 pp. April 2021.
- Environmental surveys for Kona Village utility trenches North Kona, Hawaii. Prep. for
KW Kona Investors, LLC. AECOS No. 1524B: 25 pp. May 2018.
- Biological surveys for repairs to Nuuanu Reservoir No. 4, Oahu, Hawaii. Prep. for R. M. Towill. AECOS No. 1248B: 34 pp. April 2018.
- Jurisdictional delineation of Kaupulehu Fishpond at Kona Village Resort, North Kona, Hawaii. Prep. for Kennedy Wilson. AECOS No. 1524. 30 pp. + attachments. January, 2018.
- Biological surveys at Nuuanu Reservoir No. 4, Oahu, Hawaii. Prep. for R.M. Towill Corp. AECOS No. 1248: 20 pp. December 2011.
- Pilaa property (Kaua'i) aquatic wildlife monitoring report covering Gulch 2, 42-month postconstruction; Gulch 3, baseline preconstruction; and Gulch 4, 36-month postconstruction. Prep. for Belt Collins Hawaii Ltd. AECOS No. 136O: 47 p. July 2011.
- Biological and water quality considerations for the Central O‘ahu Wastewater Facilities Plan EIS. Prep. for Wil Chee Planning, Inc. AECOS No. 1003: 63 pp. 2008
- [MORE lake/reservoir surveys]
Permit Compliance
- Makena Golf & Beach Club quarterly water quality monitoring report. Prep. for Makena Golf and Beach Club. AECOS No. 1525. Quarterly reports, June 2018 - on-going.
- MCBH (Nuupia Ponds) construction site bird monitoring. Prep. for Liking Inc. AECOS No.
1560: daily reports. January - September 2021.
- Hamakua Marsh (Kailua, Oahu) restoration site, 2011 plant monitoring survey. Prep. for Bureau Veritas North America. AECOS No. 1174C: 15 pp. September 2011.
- Second monitoring report for removal/restoration of an impacted wetland site on a
private parcel (TMK: 5-4-04:54) along the Hanalei River, Kauai. Prep. for Edi Ben-Dor. AECOS No. 1066D: 31 p. November 2008.

Related Report Listings:
AECOS estuary surveys
AECOS lake surveys
AECOS Projects Menu
AECOS report titles typically use appropriate ʻokina and kahakō markings for Hawaiian place names; however, these have been removed in the listings on this page to aid place name searches.
If interested in obtaining a copy of a recently prepared report listed here, you should contact the client (i.e., see "Prep. for....") directly.