
Stream & Lake Surveys
Stream WOTUS (OHWM) Reports listed by island
- Click here for our 10 MOST RECENT aquatic survey reports
- Hawaii 303(d) streams assessments. AECOS No. 1017: August 2002.
- Recommendations for Hawaii's Riparian Areas: Functions, Best Management Practices, Approaches, and Implementation Strategy. Bay Pacific Consulting. June 1996. ((AECOS
No. 838)).
- A natural resources assessment for the Hanalei River streambank stabilization Hanalei, Kauai, Hawaii. AECOS No.1699: 52 pp. June 2022.
- A natural resources assessment for the Waimea Canyon Drive/Kokee Road Improvements Project, Phase II Waimea District, Kauai, Hawaii. AECOS No.1677: 40 pp. October 2021.
- Jurisdictional waters surveys for proposed bridge crossings at TMK: 5-1-004:008 (por.), 5-1-003:006 (por.), and 5-1-003:017 (por.), Kilauea, Kauai, Hawaii
. AECOS No.1599: 22 pp. + attachments. August 2020.
- Jurisdictional assessment and Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) delineation of an unnamed ditch, Waimea, Kauai. AECOS No. 1476: 19 pp. August 2016.
- Water quality and biological surveys for the Kaumualii Highway Bridge Replacement
Project Lihue, Kauai. AECOS No. 1307A: 21 pp. July 2012.
- Water quality, biological, and ordinary high water mark surveys for the Kapahi Bridge replacement, Kapaa, Kauai. AECOS No. 1281: 28 pp + append. April 2012.
- Water quality and biological surveys for Opaekaa Bridge repair in Wailua, Kauai. AECOS No. 1283:: 23 pp. February 2012.
- Water quality and biological surveys for Puuopae Bridge repair project in Wailua, Kauai.
AECOS No. 1282: 22 pp. December 2011.
- Aquatic resources survey for Limahuli Valley Trust Accessory Structures Project in Haena, Kauai. AECOS No. 1284A: 34 pp. December 2011.
- Biological surveys for the Kaumualii Highway/Omao Stream Bridge improvements project
on the Island of Kauai. AECOS No. 1249: 31 p. June 2011.
- Biological and water quality survey of Omao Stream for the Northern Leg of the Western Bypass Road, Koloa, Kauai. AECOS No. 1183: 13 p. June 2010.
- Pila'a property (Kaua'i) wildlife monitoring: Gulch 2 18-month and Gulch 4 1-year post-construction monitoring report. Prep. for Belt Collins Hawaii. Ltd. AECOS No. 1036K: 35 p. July 2009.
- Water quality and biological reconnaissance of lower Kapaa Stream, Kapaa, Kauai.
AECOS No. 1135B: 20 p. May 2008.
- Water quality and biological reconnaissance of tunnels, wetlands, and streams at Akulikuli Tunnel Site, Kealia Forest Reserve, Kapaa, Kauai. AECOS No. 1157B: 33 p. February 2008.
- Biological survey and water quality analyses for Kuamoo Road culvert extension in Wailua, Kauai. AECOS No. 1161: 12 p. November 2007.
- Aquatic resources survey for the Kapaa-Kealia Bikepath, Kauai. AECOS No. 1018: 16 p. August 2002.
- Stream assessment for the Kolo Road Bridge, Kilauea Stream, Kauai. AECOS No. 849: 21 p. July 1996 (rev. April 1999).
- 1995-96 Annual Report: Puali Stream Monitoring Program, Puhi, Kauai. AECOS No. 769B:
43 p. + appendices. September 1996.
- Stream Assessment for the Kolo Road Bridge, Kilauea Stream, Kauai. AECOS No.
849: 19 p. July 1996.
- Lower Hanalei River Samples, Water Quality Assessment. AECOS No. 738: p. July 1995.
- Environmental Reconnaissance Survey of Lower Waikomo Stream for the Hoonani Road Bridge, Poipu, Kauai. AECOS No. 826: 17 p. June 1995.
- Description and assessment of an unnamed drainage, Hauaala Road Drain Improvement Project, Kapaa, Kauai. AECOS No. 821: 17 p. April 1995.
- Studies on Puali Stream, Kauai, 1995. AECOS 769B: 16 p. 1995.
- An assessment of the impacts on water quality and aquatic resources of the Kuhio
Highway - Hanamaulu to Kapaa Project No. 56A-07-90. AECOS No. 691: 41 p. 1995.
- Kaumualii Highway, Kuhio Highway, and Rice Street intersection improvements stream assessment. AECOS No. 795: 12 p. October 1994.
- Environmental reconnaissance survey of Waihohonu Stream, Koloa, Kauai. AECOS No. 782: 14 p. July 1994.
- An environmental reconnaissance survey of Puali and Halehaka Streams, Puhi, Kauai.
AECOS No. 769A: 20 p. 1994.
- Jurisdictional waters determination on Kapaa Stream, Oahu. AECOS No.1759B: 13 pp. plus attachment. September 2023
- Biological resources survey and jurisdictional waters determination for DHHL Waikupanaha Properties Project, Waimanalo, Oahu. AECOS No.1715: 36 pp. plus attachments. September 2023.
- 2021-2023 baseline monitoring of a seep stream at Hawaiian Memorial Park in Kaneohe, Oahu. AECOS No. 1567X: 38 pp. June 2023.
- Baseline monitoring for an unnamed seep stream at Hawaiian Memorial Park in Kaneohe, Oahu. AECOS No.1567: Monthly reports, Sep 2021-Jun 2023.
- Wetland delineation on TMK: 5-4-004: 021 in Hauula on windward Oahu. AECOS No.1712: 32 pp. plus attachments. February 2023.
- A natural resources assessment for emergency culvert and riprap repair Waihole Valley, Oahu. AECOS No.1735: 41 pp. plus attachmnts. December 2022.
- A natural resources assessment for Luluku Stream, Kaneohe, Oahu. AECOS No. 1728: 29 pp. July 2022.
- Jurisdictional waters determination for "Lipalu Stream" and an unnamed ephemeral stream at Hawaiian Memorial Park Kaneohe, Oahu. AECOS No. 1567N: 23 pp. + attachments. May 2022.
- A natural resources assessment for Kaelepulu Stream Channel Emergency Stabilization at Keolu Drive, Kailua, Oahu. AECOS No. 1707: 31 pp. April 2022.
- Environmental surveys in Oio Stream (East Main Drain) Turtle Bay Resort, Oahu. AECOS No.1547C: 41 pp. + attachments. July 2021.
- A natural resources assessment for a Distributed Common Ground Station JBPH Wahiawa Annex, Oahu. AECOS No. 1648: 25 pp. + attachments. January 2021.
- Environmental surveys in Oio Stream (East Main Drain), Turtle Bay Resort, Oahu. AECOS No.1547C: 27 pp. + attachments. July 2021.
- Jurisdictional waters survey of TMKs 4-7-058: 001 and 002 Kahaluu, windward Oahu. AECOS No. 1643: 18 pp, + attachments. December 2020.
- Natural resources survey for the Maunawili Estates Wastewater Pump Station Force Main Crossing No. 1 repair at Maunawili Stream Maunawili, Koolau Poko District, Oahu. AECOS No. 1582: 37 pp. July 2019.
- Estimated limits of Clean Water Act (CW A) jurisdiction along Lipalu Channel at Hawaiian Memorial Cemetery, Kaneohe, Oahu. Letter report. AECOS No. 1576B: 4 pp. February 2019.
- Jurisdictional waters delineation Kaelepulu Stream and Keopa flood control basin Kailua, Oahu. AECOS No. 1569: 35 pp. January 2019.
- Jurisdictional waters determination Hawaiian Memorial Park, Kaneohe, Oahu. AECOS No. 1567: 26 pp. December 2018.
- Environmental surveys in Oio Gulch for a bridge widening project Turtle Bay Resort, Kahuku, Oahu. AECOS No. 1547A: 32 pp. + attachments. Seprtember 2018.
- Environmental surveys in Oio Gulch for a bridge widening project, Turtle Bay Resort,
Kahuku, Oahu.. AECOS No. 1547. 41 pp. + attachments. September 2018.
- Results of 5/4/2018 aquatic features survey of Kawailoa NRG property at "Snake Road". Letter report. AECOS No. 1520B: 3 pp. May 2018.
- Jurisdictional waters survey for the Kiikii Stream Dredging Project Waialua, Oahu. AECOS
No. 1448B: 30 pp. October 2017.
- Results of 8/31/2017 aquatic features survey of Kawailoa NRG property. Letter report. AECOS No. 1520: 4 pp. September 2017.
- Environmental surveys for the Kiikii Stream Dredging Project, Waialua, Oahu. AECOS No. 1448: 38 pp. April 2016.
- Rapid biological surveys at Kamehameha Schools Punaluu Agricultural Lands, Punaluu, Oahu. AECOS No. 1402B: 16 pp. October 2015.
- Water quality and biological surveys of Keaahala Stream for the Wailele Bridge rehabilitation in Kaneohe, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No.. 1316: 15 pp. June 2012.
- Water quality and biological surveys in Waikane Stream for the Waikane Stream Bridge Replacement Project, Windward Oahu. AECOS No. 1258: 26 pp. March 2011.
- Baseline water quality conditions in Waimanalo Stream for the Kailua Reservoir Breaching Project. AECOS No. 1178: 9 p. June 2008.
- Water quality and biological surveys of lower Kawa Stream at Bayview Golf Course for the Bayview Sewer Relief Project in Kaneohe, Oahu. AECOS No. 1168: 24 p. June 2008.
- Biological and water quality surveys for the Kaneohe Stream Bank Restoration in Kaneohe, Oahu. AECOS No. 1164: 11 p. April 2008.
- Water quality and biological reconnaissance surveys of Makaua Stream, Kaaawa,windward Oahu. AECOS No. 1156: 12 p. October 2007.
- Water quality and biological reconnaissance of an unnamed tributary to Keaahala Stream
at Kaneohe District Park, Kaneohe, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1141: 13 p. August 2007.
- Biological assessment for a retaining wall at box culvert No. 5 along Waikupanaha Street, Waimanalo, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1113: 15 p. May 2007.
- Biological resources survey at the mouth of Kawela Stream for the Kamehameha Highway Bridge replacement, Kawela, Oahu. AECOS No. 1127: 13 p. September 2006.
- Report on compliance with Stream Channel Alteration Permit OA-318: construction of a
42-inch water main beneath Ahuimanu Stream. AECOS
No. 996: September 2002.
- Reconnaissance survey of aquatic biota and riparian vegetation for Kamehameha Highway bridge replacement at Punaluu, windward Oahu.
AECOS No. 1011: 10 p. May 2002.
- Biological and water quality surveys in wetlands at Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Kaneohe
Bay, Oahu for a proposed mangrove removal project. AECOS No. 994: 20 p. March 2002.
- Aquatic resources survey for Hospital Ditch and Kii Ditch at Kahuku, Oahu. AECOS No.975:
13 pp. May 2001.
- Report on compliance with Stream Channel Alteration Permit OA-318: construction of a 42-inch water main beneath Ahuimanu Stream. AECOS No. 996: September 2000.
- Aquatic resources survey for Kalanianaole Highway Bridge improvements at Inoaole
Stream in Waimanalo, Oahu. AECOS No. 953: 10 p. September 2000.
- Report of stream monitoring activities for the Royal Hawaiian Country Club golf course in Maunawili Valley, Oahu. Stage IV. AECOS No. 529D: 39 pp. 1995.
- Summary of stream monitoring activities for the Royal Hawaiian Country Club golf course construction project in Maunawili Valley, Oahu. Stage III (Final). AECOS 529C: 28 p. 1993.
- Water Quality and biological studies in Kawainui Stream relative to the Kailua Gateway
Project Development. AECOS No. 664B: 32 p. December 1992 (revised).
- Baseline water quality and biological studies for maintenance dredging of Kawainui and Kaelepulu Streams. AECOS No. 670: 13 p. July 1992.
- Water quality and biological studies of Kawainui Stream relative to the Kailua Gateway Project. AECOS No. 664: 31 p. April 1992.
- Water quality and biology of Aquatic Environments in Kahawainui Stream and its
tributaries, Laie, Oahu. AECOS No. 639: 66 p. August 1991 (revised January 1992).
- Stream Studies at Bayview Golf Course, Kaneohe, Oahu. AECOS No. 622. 1991.
- Summary of stream monitoring activities for the Royal Hawaiian Country Club golf course construction project in Maunawili Valley, Oahu. AECOS No. 529A: 26 p. 1990.
- Aquatic Resources and Vegetation Reconnaissance Survey at the Women's Community Correctional Center, Kailua, Hawaii. AECOS No. 597: 5 p. December 1989.
- Stream biological surveys for the Minami Golf Course, Kaneohe, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 501: 6 pp. November 1988.
- Revised Stream Surveys for the Kahekili Highway Improvement Project, Kaneohe to
Kahaluu, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 352A: 30 p. April 1988.
- Stream Surveys for a Hawaii Housing Authority Project, Keaahala, Koolaupoko, Oahu.
AECOS No. 392: 14 p. October 1983 (revised March 1987).
- Stream Surveys for the Kahekili Highway Improvement Project, Kaneohe to Kahaluu, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 352: 21 p. August 1983.
- Biological resources survey and jurisdictional waters determination for Aupuni Street Bridge repairs, Kalihi, Oahu. AECOS No. 1805: 25 pp. plus appendices. April 2024.
- Biological surveys of two sites on Wheeler Army Airfield, U.S. Army Garrison, Oahu. AECOS No. 1788: 24 pp. plus appendices. November 2023.
- A natural resources assessment for a BWS road crossing of Makaha Stream Makaha Valley, west Oahu. AECOS No. 1641: 22 pp. November 2023.
- Jurisdictional determination for Waikele Stream Waipahu, Oahu. AECOS No.1798: 12 pp. plus appendices. November 2023.
- Jurisdictional waters determination for a pedestrian crossing of the north fork of Kaukonahua Stream, Wahiawa, Oahu. AECOS No. 1775: 17 pp. plus appendices. October 2023.
- A natural resources assessment for a BWS road crossing of Makaha Stream M?kaha Valley, west Oahu. AECOS No.1641B: 27 pp plus attachments. August 2023.
- Jurisdictional waters determination for Royal Kunia II residential development on TMKs 9-4-002: 070, 071, and 078 Kunia, Oahu. AECOS No. 1771B: 11 pp. plus apopendices. June 2023.
- Biological resources survey and jurisdictional waters determination for the DLNR East Kapolei Transit-Oriented Development Project. AECOS No. 1690: 28 pp. June 2023.
- Biological resources survey and jurisdictional waters determination for Waianae Plantation Tunnels, Waianae, Oahu. AECOS No. 1755: 34 pp. plus appendices. May 2023.
- A natural resources assessment and jurisdictional determination for the 'Ewa Shaft Tunnel Improvements Project expansion area, Ewa, Oahu. AECOS No.1557C: 18 pp. plus attachments. May 2023.
- Natural resources assessment for a utility line demolition project at Kalihi and Moanalua streams, Honolulu, Oahu . AECOS No. 1724: 33 pp + attachments. October 2022.
- A natural resources assessment for Manoa Stream, Honolulu, Oahu. AECOS No.1729: 42 pp. + attachments. September 2022.
- Natural resources and functional assessment of Honouliuli Stream for the Ewa Shaft Tunnel Improvements Project in Ewa, Oahu. AECOS No. 1557B: 56 pp. June 2021.
- Jurisdictional waters determination for the Waiawa Phase 2 Solar and Storage Project Ewa District, Oahu. AECOS No. 1649: 19 pp. + attachments. January 2021.
- Natural resources assessment of Halawa Stream estuary for maintenance dredging, Halawa, Oahu. AECOS No.1062B: 50 pp. + attachments. September 2020.
- Environmental surveys for Upper Nuuanu Water System Improvements Honolulu, Oahu. AECOS No. 1591: 50 pp. March 2020.
- Natural resources assessment of an unnamed tributary to Kahauiki Stream for a project to replace a water line at Fort Shafter Flats, Honolulu, Island of Oahu. AECOS No. 1615: 35 pp. February 2020.
- Functional assessment of Honouliuli Stream for the Ewa Shaft Tunnel Improvements Project Ewa, Oahu. AECOS No. 1557: December 2019.
- Biological and water quality surveys Maili Stream Flood Control Improvement Project Maili, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1585B: 41 pp. August 2019.
- Environmental surveys in Ahuwale Ditch and Wailupe Stream for the Ahuwale Ditch Storm Drainage Improvements Project in Aina Haina, Oahu. AECOS No. 1526: 31 pp. December 2017.
- Biological and water quality surveys for the Ulehawa U-1 Channel repair Project Nanakuli, Oahu. AECOS No. 1512: 29 pp. September 2017.
- Jurisdictional waters assessment survey for Honouliuli WWTP in Ewa, Oahu. AECOS No.
1473: 9 pp. June 2016.
- Water quality and biological surveys of Kalihi Stream for the Kalihi-Palama Bus Terminal Improvements Project in Honolulu, Oahu. AECOS No. 1410: 25 pp. December 2014.
- Data review of aquatic resources and water quality of Kapakahi Stream, Waipahu, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1301: 15 pp. February 2012.
- Ordinary high water mark survey for Makaha Stream, Makaha, Oahu. AECOS No. 1278A:
11 pp. December 2011.
- Ordinary high water mark determinations for an unnamed gulch at Schofield Barracks in Wahiawa, Oahu. AECOS No. 1287: 9 pp. November 2011.
- Biological reconnaissance and water quality survey of Halawa Stream for improvements
at Salt Lake Boulevard bridge, Halawa, Oahu. AECOS No. 1273: 29 pp. August 2011.
- Water quality and biological surveys in Moanalua Stream for the Moanalua Stream Lining Reconstruction and Repair Project, Moanalua, Oahu. AECOS No. 1250: 22 pp. December 2010.
- Preconstruction Operational Impacts: observational monitoring for Stream Crossing No. 3, Poamoho Stream, Oahu. AECOS No. 1222C: 7 p. June 2010.
- Stream biological and water quality surveys for the Aiea Intermediate School Erosion
Control Project Aiea, Oahu. AECOS No. 1230: 10 p. February 2010.
- Biological reconnaissance survey of Mailiili Stream for an unauthorized fill restoration
project, Maili, Oahu. AECOS No. 1216: 17 p. September 2009.
- Biological and water quality surveys of Manoa Stream near Ka Papa Loi o Kanewai
Cultural Graden in Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1193: 11 p. February 2009.
- Stream biological and water quality impacts assessment for the Koa Ridge Makai and
Castle & Cooke Waiawa development in central Oahu. AECOS No. 1186: 43 p. November 2008.
- Biology and water quality survey of Kalihi Stream for the Amelia Street Sewer Relief
Project, Honolulu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1167: 12 p. March 2008.
- Stream Survey for the Middle Street Intermodal Center, Honolulu, Hawaii. Prep. for SSFM International. AECOS No. 1148: 10 p. July 2007.
- Review and assessment of Wahiawa Reservoir water quality in relation to completed modifications to the Wahiawa Wastewater Treatment Plant. AECOS No. 899C: 31 pp. 2003.
- Biological resources survey for a stream bank repair project on Nuhelewai Stream,
Honolulu. AECOS No. 1000: 11 p. June 2002.
- Biological reconnaissance survey of North Halawa Stream for the Collection System Maintenance Baseyard. AECOS No. 907: February 2002.
- Aquatic resources survey for a sewer siphon replacement project in lower Manoa Stream, Honolulu. AECOS No. 1002: 16 p. January 2002.
- Aquatic resources survey for Nanakuli Stream at Farrington Highway, Nanakuli, Oahu.
AECOS No. 983: 13 p. October 2001.
- Aquatic resources survey for stream corridor planning along lower Manoa Stream in
Honolulu. AECOS No. 955B: 20 p. January 2001.
- Aquatic resources survey for Manoa Stream Improvements at Manoa Valley District Park
on Oahu. AECOS No. 955A: 18 p. August 2000.
- Aquatic resources survey for the BWS Wahiawa-Whitmore water line environmental assessment. AECOS No. 946: 11 p. July 2000.
- Biological reconnaissance survey of Halawa Stream mouth for Kamehameha Highway widening Project. AECOS No. 932: 13 p. November 1999.
- Biological reconnaissance survey of North Halawa Stream for the City & County of Honolulu Base Yard Expansion Project. AECOS No. 907: 12 p. November 1999.
- Review and assessment of Wahiawa Reservoir water quality in relation to proposed modifications to the Wahiawa WWTP. AECOS No. 899: 41 p. ?1998.
- Biological Reconnaissance Survey of Moanalua Stream at the Moanalua Golf Course, Oahu. AECOS No. 902: 14 p. June 1998.
- Biological survey of Manuwai Canal at the Honolulu International Airport, Oahu. AECOS No. 900A: 16 p. August 1998.
- Biological surveys of streams in the Moanalua and Shafter Flats areas of Honolulu for proposed new sewer lines. AECOS No. 896: 14 p. January 1998.
- Biological survey of the Upper Middle Reach of Makaha Stream in Makaha Valley, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 892: 8 p. December 1997.
- Fauna Survey for Lower Kalihi Stream at the Likelike Highway, Island of Oahu, Hawaii.
AECOS No. 888: 7 p. July 1997.
- Flora and Fauna Survey for Lower Aiea Stream, at the Aiea Sugar Mill, Island of Oahu,
Hawaii. AECOS No. 883: 9 p. March 1997.
- Effluent disposal of wastewater for Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii. Wahiawa Reservoir Water Quality Studies. AECOS No. 750B: 42 p. + append. July 1995.
- An environmental reconnaissance survey of lower Waiau Stream, Pearl City, Oahu. AECOS
No. 770A: 12 p. January 1994.
- Water quality and environment at Tripler Army Medical Center, Moanalua, Hawaii. In:
Tripler Army Medical Center. Special Studies for Environmental Baseline Analysis [R. M. Towill Corp]. AECOS 772: 55 p. 1994.
- Assessment of Aquatic and Riparian Habitats on Intermittant Tributaries of Kipapa and Waikakalaua Streams at Mililani Mauka, Oahu. AECOS No. 707A: 20 p. October 1992.
- A Biological reconnaissance survey of Kapakahi Gulch, East Oahu. AECOS No. 690:Survey of Lower Waiawa Stream and Impacts Assessment for Flood Retention Basins at
the Waiawa Ridge Development. AECOS No. 661: 21 p. December 1991.
- Assessment of Impacts of a Drainage Diversion Channel for the Mililani Mauka Subdivision
on Aquatic Environments in Kipapa Stream, Oahu. AECOS No. 577: 13 p. August 1989.
- Environmental Assessment of the Upper Estuarine Reach of Wailani Stream (Kahu Channel), Waipahu, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 521: 9 p. February 1988 (revised March 1989).
- Kalihi Stream Survey, Middle Street Bus Maintenance Facility. AECOS No. 475: 11 p. November 1987.
- Pauoa Stream and Rose Apple Spring Environment Survey. AECOS No. ???: 13 p. July 1980.
- Biological resources survey and jurisdictional waters determination for repair of a Wailuku (Iao) River bridge, Wailuku, Maui. AECOS No. 1787: 35 pp plus appendices. November 2023.
- Jurisdictional Waters assessment of Kahanaiki Gulch for the Pulelehua Project Kapalua, Maui. AECOS No. 1767: 15 pp. plus attachments. August 2023.
- Jurisdictional waters delineation for Kahana Nui Bridge Replacement Project Kahana, Maui. AECOS No.1295C: 12 pp. plus attachments. June 2023.
- Jurisdictional Waters determination for the Kula Agricultural Park Expansion Project in Kula, Maui, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1739: 21 pp plus attachments. March 2023.
- Jurisdictional Waters determination for Hana Highway Bridge No. 23 and No. 26 in Kipahulu, East Maui. AECOS No. 1659B: 13 pp + attachments. January 2023.
- A natural resources assessment for Hana Highway, Wailua and Waikakoi bridges Kipahulu, East Maui. AECOS No.1659: 20 pp. January 2023.
- A natural resources assessment for Kihei Gulch 4, Wailea-Makena, Maui. AECOS No. 1720:
30 pp. + attachments. July 2022.
- A natural resources assessment for the County of Maui, Waiale Road Extension Project, Waikapu, Maui. AECOS No. 1195B: 20 pp. + attachments. June 2022.
- A natural resources assessment for DHHL Ualapue Kuleana Homestead Settlement Plan, Ualapue, Molokai. AECOS No. 1685: 39 pp. January 2022.
- An environmental survey and assessment for Awalau Road Emergency Repairs Makawao District, Maui. AECOS No.1679: 48 pp. + attachments. July 2021.
- A natural resources assessment for the North Kihei Mauka Wastewater Transmission System Project, Kihei, Maui. AECOS No. 1654: 20 pp. + attachments. June 2021.
- Environmental surveys for Honokowai Hawaiian Homelands water system improvements, Napili-Honokowai, Maui. AECOS No.1607: 30 pp. + attachments. June 2021.
- Environmental surveys for the Iao Stream bank repairs at the vicinity of Imi Kala St. Bridge in Wailuku, Maui. AECOS No.1658: 41 pp. + attachments. May 2021.
- Jurisdictional waters delineation and water quality assessment of Kawakoe Stream for Hana Highway Bridge No. 40 repair, Hana, Maui. AECOS No.1571F: 18 pp. + attachments. May 2021.
- Jurisdictional waters delineation and water quality assessment of Heleleikeoha Stream for Hana Highway Bridge No. 39 repairs, Hana, Maui. AECOS No.1571E: 16 pp. + attachments. May 2021.
- Jurisdictional waters delineation and water quality assessment of Kailua Stream for Hana Highway Bridge No. 02 repair, Huelo, Maui. AECOS No.1571D: 17 pp. + attachments. May 2021.
- Jurisdictional waters delineation and water quality assessment of Puohokamoa Stream for Hana Highway Bridge No. 08 repair, Hana, Maui. AECOS No. 1571C: 19 pp. + attachments. May 2021.
- Jurisdictional waters delineation and water quality assessment of Makanali Stream for Hana Highway Bridge No. 05 repair Hana, Maui. AECOS No. 1571B: 18 pp. + attachments. May 2021.
- Jurisdictional waters delineation and water quality assessment of Kopiliula Stream for Hsna Highway Bridge No. 19 repairs, Hana, Maui. AECOS No.1571A: 22 pp. + attachments. May 2021.
- Environmental surveys for the ‘Iao Stream bank repairs at the vicinity of Imi Kala St. Bridge in Wailuku, Maui. AECOS No. 1658: 41 pp. May 2021.
- A natural resources assessment for the K?hei No. 3 force main replacement project
Waipuilani Gulch, Maui. AECOS No. 1644: 34 pp. + attachments. February 2021.
- A natural resources assessment for the Kihei No. 3 force main replacement project Waipuilani Gulch, Maui.AECOS No.1644: 33 pp. + attachments. February 2021.
- A natural resources assessment for proposed facility improvements at the Kahului Fuel Yard, Kahului, Maui. AECOS No.1642: 21 pp. + attachments. November 2020.
- Wetland survey for the Electrical System Upgrade Project Area for Kalaupapa National Historical Park (KALA), Kalaupapa, Molokai. AECOS No. 1597: 38 pp. September 2019.
- Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) delineation on lower Launiupoko Stream, Lahaina, Maui. AECOS No. 1495B: 15 pp. September 2017.
- Water quality and biological surveys for stream bank repairs, upper Wailuku River, Wailuku, Maui. AECOS No. 1611: 25 pp. February 2020.
- Environmental surveys for the Wailuku River millyard bank stabilization Wailuku, Maui.
AECOS No. 1592: 44 pp. November 2019.
- Biological survey and Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) delineation for an emergency repair of Puu Way culvert, Haiku, Maui. AECOS No. 1565: 32 pp. +_ attachments. January 2019.
- Biological and water quality surveys in Kahakuloa Stream in the vicinity of Kahekili Highway Kahakuloa, Wailuku, Maui. AECOS No. 1572: 22 pp. January 2019.
- Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) delineation of Kaluaihakoko Stream for the Auhana Road Drainage Improvements Project, Kihei, Maui. AECOS No. 1548: 14 pp. + attachments.
August 2018.
- Ordinary high water mark delineation in Koukouai Gulch for a bridge rehabilitation Project, Kipahulu, Maui. AECOS No. 1537. 12 pp. June 2018.
- Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) delineation for the Proposed Waipuilani Park Bikeway, Kihei, Maui. AECOS No. 1511: 14 pp. April 2018.
- Biological surveys and ordinary high water mark (OHWM) delineation for the proposed Liloa Drive Extension in Kihei, Maui. AECOS No. 1507: 36 pp. October 2017.
- Biological and ordinary high water mark (OHWM) survey of Kalialinui Gulch for the Hansen Road Rehabilitation Project, Kahului, Maui. AECOS No. 1333: 26 pp. December 2012.
- Preliminary jurisdictional determination of an unnamed gulch for Lower Kula Water System Improvements, Kula, Island of Maui. AECOS No. 1334A: 8 pp. November 2012.
- Water quality and biological surveys of streams and reservoirs for the Paia Relief Route Project, Paia, Maui. AECOS No. 1160: 34 pp. June 2011.
- Water quality and biological surveys of Koukouai Stream for a bridge replacement project, East Maui. AECOS No. 906C: 16 p. December 2010.
- Water quality and biological surveys of Kapia Stream for the Kahawaiokapia Bridge Replacement Project near Hana, Maui. AECOS No. 906A (rev.): 19 pp. November 2010.
- Biological survey of Kalialinui Gulch for the Central Maui Sanitary Landfill expansion,
Puunene, Maui. AECOS No. 1189: 10 p. June 2010.
- Stream biological and water quality survey for the Iao Stream bridge rehabilitation at
Waiehu Beach Road, Maui. AECOS No. 1132: 9 p. April 2010.
- Stream biological and water quality surveys for the Kaholopoo Bridge Replacement Project near Hana Maui. AECOS No. 1227: 11 p. March 2010.
- Biological and water quality surveys of Honolua Stream in Honolua, Maui, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1192: 9 p. January 2009 (rev. March 2010).
- Biological and water quality survey of lower Papahawahawa Gulch near Hana, Maui. AECOS No. 805C: 13 p. November 2008.
- Biological and water quality surveys of Kahoma and Kanaha Streams for a bypass road in Lahaina, Maui. AECOS No. 1188: 9 p. October 2008.
- Water quality and biological surveys of Kawela Stream, Kawela, Molokai, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1124: 13 p. September 2006.
- Biological reconnaissance survey of Paihi Stream at Piilani Highway on the Island of Maui. AECOS No. 906B: 10 p. January 2002.
- Biological survey for the Kawaikapu (Kainalu) bridge replacement on Kamehameha V Highway, East Molokai. AECOS No. 971: 18 p. January 2001.
- Biological reconnaissance survey of Kapia Stream at Hana Highway on the Island of Maui. AECOS No. 906A: 9 p. March 1999.
- Reconnaissance surveys and environmental assessment of Ahaino and Uluwini Gulches on east Molokai. AECOS No. 901: 21 p. + attach. May 1998.
- Environmental reconnaissance survey for the Papaahawahawa Bridge on Piilani Highway, Hana, Maui. AECOS No. 805B: 16 p. December 1995.
- Environmental reconnaissance survey for the Kaupakalua Bridge on Peahi Road, Haiku,
Maui. AECOS No. 805A: 17 p. December 1995.
- Biological and water quality surveys of fresh water and marine environments for the Hana Ranch Golf Course. AECOS No. 671: 29 p. 1992.
- Jurisdicitonal Waters assessment for the Waimea Trails and Greenway Project South Kohala, Hawaii Island. AECOS No. 1736: 21 pp. plus attachments. March 2023.
- Assessment of jurisdictional waters for Ke Ola Lani at Waikoloa Village, North Kona, Hawai?i. AECOS No. 1730: 30 pp. + attachments. August 2022.
- Jurisdictional waters determination for emergency slope repairs at Kaahakini, Honomu, and Kawainui streams and near Onomea Stream Hilo District, Hawaii Island . AECOS No. 1695:
24 p. + attachments. December 2021.
- A natural resources assessment for the Piihonua Bridge Emergency Repair Project South Hilo, Hawaii Island. AECOS No. 1689: 45 pp. + attachments. November 2021.
- A natural resources assessment for the Kolekole Stream Bridge, Emergency Repair Project South Hilo, Hawaii Island. AECOS No.1675: 37 pp. + attachment. August 2021.
- Jurisdictional waters determination for a solar energy project in Puako, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1652: 33 pp. February 2021.
- Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) delineation of Auwaiakeakua Stream and Popoo Stream
at AES Solar Project, South Kohala District, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1578:n 18 pp. March 2019.
- Preconstruction survey for selected biological resources at Hilea Stream and Ninole Stream bridges, Kau District, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1564: 10 pp. November 2018.
- Environmental surveys for Kona Village utility trenches, North Kona, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1524B. 24 pp. April, 2018.
- Water quality and biological surveys of an unnamed stream system in Mountain View, Puna, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1477B: 23 pp. September 2016.
- Water quality and biological surveys of Waiahole (Kionakapahu) Pond, Honohononui, Keaukaha, Island of Hawaii. AECOS No. 1440: 83 pp. February 2016.
- Biological and water quality surveys in a Halai Street drainage ditch, Hilo, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1439: 19 pp. August 2015.
- Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) delineation in Hilea Gulch and Ninole Gulch, Kau District, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1411: 15 pp. + appen. December 2014.
- Water quality and biological surveys of Waiakea Stream for the Kapiolani Street Extension Project, Hilo, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1311: 24 pp. June 2012.
- Biological and water quality surveys for the Keaau-Pahoa Road Improvements Project, Puna District, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1125: 14 p. September 2009.
- Supplemental surveys for the Keaau-Pahoa Road, Shoulder Lane Conversion Project, Puna District, Island of Hawaii. AECOS No. 1054B: 15 p. August 2009.
- Biological and water quality reconnaissance survey of streams and potential wetlands near Pohala, Kau, Island of Hawaii. AECOS No. 1171: 21 p. June 2008.
- Biological and water quality reconnaissance survey of streams and wetlands in the Akolea area, Island of Hawaii. AECOS No. 1166: 31 p. May 2008.
- Biological and water quality reconnaissance survey of Kaluiiki and Waipahoehoe streams for the Kaumana Flood Protection Project, Island of Hawaii. AECOS No. 1140: 12 p. June 2007.
- Bilogical and water quality reconnaissance survey of an unnamed stream along the Keaau-Pahoa Road, Puna District, Island of Hawaii. AECOS No. 1054: 8 p. April 2004.
- Aquatic resources and water quality assessment for Kawaihae Highway (Waiaka) bridge
over Keanuiomano Stream, Waiaka, Island of Hawaii.
AECOS No. 993: 17 p. June 2003.
- An Environmental Reconnaissance Survey of Waiakea Stream for the USDA Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center on the Island of Hawaii. AECOS No. 947: 13 p. May 2002.
- Biological reconnaissance survey of Pahehee Stream at and above Hawaii Belt Road on the Island of Hawaii. AECOS No. 912B: 14 p. August 1999.
- Biological reconnaissance survey of Kolekole Stream at and above Hawaii Belt Road on the Island of Hawaii. AECOS No. 912A: 16 p. August 1999.
- Biological reconnaissance survey of Inoino Gulch, Hamakua District, Island of Hawaii.
AECOS No. 889A: 10 p. August 1999.
- Biological reconnaissance survey of Waikaalulu Gulch, Hamakua District, Island of Hawaii. AECOS No. 889C: 12 p. August 1999.
- Biological reconnaissance survey of Kalopa Gulch, Hamakua District, Island of Hawaii.
AECOS No. 889B: 12 p. August 1999.
- Biological reconnaissance survey of an unnamed stream at Oshiro Road, Puna District,
Island of Hawaii. AECOS No. 889F: 6 p. September 1998.
- Biological reconnaissance survey of Aliipali Gulch, Hamakua District, Island of Hawaii.
AECOS No. 889E: 8 p. September 1998.
- Biological reconnaissance survey of Kaumoali Gulch, Hamakua District, Island of Hawaii. AECOS No. 889D: 9 p. September 1998.
- An Assessment of stream impacts for a bridge crossing of Waiakea Stream at University of Hawaii, Hilo, Hawaii. AECOS No. 765C: 12 p. March 1997.
- An Environmental Assessment for a bridge crossing of Waiakea Stream at University of Hawaii, Hilo, Hawaii. AECOS No. 765B: 10 p. August 1996.
- Reconnaissance Survey of Kealakaha Stream in the Vicinity of a Proposed New Highway Bridge. AECOS No. 781: 10 p. September 1994.
- An Environmental Reconnaissance Survey of Waiakea Stream, Hilo, Hawaii for a Sewerage Crossing at U.H. Hilo. AECOS No. 765A: 9 p. January 1994.
- An assessment of the impacts of quarry sites for the Palau Compact Road on terrestrial
and aquatic environments of Babeldaob Island, Republic of Palau. AECOS No. 850B: 40 pp. April 1998.
- Information report on aquatic environments for the Palau Compact Road EIS, Babeldaob Island, Republic of Palau. [with R. David, D. Herbst, & S. Montgomery]. AECOS No. 850A:
87 pp. April 1997 (rev. April 1998)

Related Report Listings:
AECOS estuary surveys
AECOS wetland delineations
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AECOS report titles typically use appropriate ʻokina and kahakō markings for Hawaiian place names. These have been removed in the listings on this page to aid place name searches.
If interested in obtaining a copy of a report listed here (and provided the client does not object to its release if not a public document), send an email to the AECOS Inc. office [AECOS@AECOS.com]. It is important to provide the correct AECOS job number in your request. Documents distributed as a .PDF emailed back to you are provided at no charge. Some older documents may not be available from our archives.