
Marine Biological Surveys
Marine survey reports by island
- Click here for our 10 MOST RECENT marine survey project reports (not listed here)
- Biological Evaluation for Port Allen Small Boat Harbor, piers A and B replacement, Eleele, Kauai, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1431C: 37 pp. June 2016.
- Coral Recovery at Port Allen Boat Harbor, Eleele, Kauai, Hawaii. Letter report prep. for
Moffatt & Nichol. AECOS No. 1431B: 5 pp. December 2015.
- Marine biological surveys for Nawiliwili Small Boat Harbor, Pier 400 transient floating dock facilities Lihue, Kauai. AECOS No. 1432: 23 pp. June 2015.
- Marine biological surveys for Port Allen Small Boat Harbor, piers A and B replacement,
Eleele, Kauai Hawaii. AECOS No. 1431: 29 pp. June 2015.
- Marine biological surveys for Port Allen Small Boat Harbor, Eleele, Kauai Hawaii. AECOS No. 1308: 13 p. May 2012.
- Marine biological survey for Moanakai Road seawall improvements, Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1238A: 16 p. November 2010.
- Biological assessment for pier construction at Nawiliwili Harbor, Kauai. AECOS 990B: 26 p. April 2004.
- Water quality and biology surveys for Nawiliwili and Port Allen Harbors undertaken for the Kauai Commercial Harbors 2025 Master Plan. AECOS No. 1041:
38 p. March 2004.
- Marine biological reconnaissance survey of Kukuiula Bay, Kukuiula, Koloa,
Kauai, Hawaii. March 2003.
- Biological assessment for pier construction at Nawiliwili Harbor, Kauai.
AECOS No. 990:
26 p. February 2002.
- Kukuiula algae surveys. Kukuiula Bay, Kauai. AECOS No. 693. 1995
- Zone-of-Mixing, biological monitoring for ocean discharges from the Kekaha Sugar
Company, Kekaha Kauai. AECOS No. 634: 19 p. January 1993.
- Environmental surveys of deep ocean sites in Hawaii after disposal of harbor dredged materials. [Nawiliwili & Port Allen] ECI 144. 1978.
- Twelve-month post-transplantation monitoring of transplanted corals at Piers 5 & 6 in Honolulu Harbor, Oahu. AECOS No. 1354I: 11 pp. July 2022.
- Seagrass (Halophila hawaiiana) transplantation in Maunalua Bay for a proposed groin project, Oahu. AECOS No. 1150G: 7 pp. 27 pp. June 2022.
- Nine-month post-transplantation monitoring of transplanted corals at Piers 5 & 6 in Honolulu Harbor, Oahu.AECOS No. 1353H: 7 pp. February 2022.
- Six-month post-transplantation monitoring of transplanted corals at Piers 5 & 6 in Honolulu Harbor, Oahu. AECOS No. 1354G: 42 pp. November 2021.
- Three-month post-transplantation monitoring of transplanted corals at Piers 5 & 6 in
Honolulu Harbor, Oahu. AECOS No.1353F: 33 pp. August 2021.
- Marine biological and water quality resources off Waikiki Beach, Oahu. AECOS No.1662B: 39 pp. April 2021.
- Marine biological and water quality surveys for Kalaeloa Fuel Pier & Terminal Improvements Kalaeloa Barbers Point Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1546: 72 pp. May 2020.
- Seagrass surveys and transplantation plan at Maunalua Bay off Hawaii Kai Marina, Oahu. AECOS No. 1150F: 27 pp. March 2019.
- Marine biological survey for Mauna Lahilahi Beach Park rock revetment, Waianae, Oahu. AECOS No. 1566: 27 pp. January 2019.
- Marine biological surveys for the Marine Education Training Center (METC) at Sand Island, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1531: 28 pp. March, 2018.
- Marine biological and water quality surveys off Makaha Beach, Waianae, Oahu. AECOS No. 1451: 33 pp. December 2015.
- Iroquois Point Beach Nourishment and Stabilization Project: postconstruction marine ecostystem monitoring report (2015 - Year 2). AECOS No. 1044Q: 90 pp. August 2015.
- Marine biological surveys for Poni Moi drain outfall improvements, Honolulu, Oahu. AECOS
No. 1437: 26 pp. August 2015.
- Marine biological surveys for Nawiliwili Small Boat Harbor, Pier 400 transient floating
dock facilities, Lihue, Kauai. AECOS No. 1432: 23 pp. June 2015.
- Marine biological surveys for Port Allen Small Boat Harbor, piers A and B replacement, Eleele, Kauai, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1431: 29 pp. June 2015.
- Water quality and biological surveys for School of Ocean and Earth Science and
Technology (SOEST), Sand Island, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1417: 33 pp. February 2015.
- Water quality and biological surveys at the Royal Hawaiian Groin, Waikiki, Honolulu, Oahu. AECOS No. 1394: 33 pp. October 2014.
- Marine biological surveys for Pier 27 Improvements, Honolulu Harbor, Oahu. AECOS No. 1370: 31 pp. December 2013.
- Phase 1 Marine Resources Assessment of Pier 12 and Pier 15, Honolulu Harbor, Honolulu, Oahu. AECOS No. 1300A: 31 p. July 2012.
- Marine biological and water quality surveys for Hanapepe Loop drainage outfall improvements, Maunalua Bay, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1262F: 23 p. October 2011.
- Marine biological and water quality surveys at the Waikiki War Memorial Natatorium, Honolulu, Oahu. AECOS No. 1241: 56 p. October 2011.
- Algae and seagrass survey in Hawaii Kai Marina, East Oahu. AECOS No. 1150B: 13 p. September 2011.
- 2011 biological monitoring report for TOPA Financial Center cooling water discharge into Honolulu Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 988M: 8 p. July 2011.
- Reconnaissance biological surveys of the marine environment fronting a drainage channel
in Campbell Industrial Park, Kapolei, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 583E: 15 p. May 2011.
- Marine biological and water quality resources at Hawaii Kai Marina, Hawaii Kai, Oahu. AECOS No. 1150: 45 p. September 2010.
- Biological survey for Ko Olina Marina improvements, Ko Olina, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1242: 13 pp. August 2010.
- Marine and water quality surveys for Sand Island Waste Water Treatment Plant and sewer basin facilities, Oahu, Hawai'i. AECOS No. 1221: 31 p. June 2010.
- Marine environmental monitoring plan for the Waikiki Beach maintenance project, Waikiki, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1205C: 14 p. December 2009 (rev. June 2010).
- Annual Report, Kahe Generating Station, NPDES Monitoring Program for 2009. AECOS No. 649S: 41 p + append. March 2010.
- Marine environmental monitoring plan for the Iroquois Point shoreline restoration project
Ewa Beach, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1044D: 15 p. December 2009.
- Marine environmental monitoring plan for the Gray’s Beach shoreline restoration project, Waikiki, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1152F: 17 p. December 2009.
- Biological and water quality surveys for stair repairs at the Kakaako Waterfront Park, Honolulu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1210: 17 p. October 2009.
- Coral mapping and assessment of impacts for a proposed shipyard site, Keehi Lagoon, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1139C: 24 pp. October 2009.
- Marine biological and water quality resources off Waikiki Beach, Oahu. AECOS No. 1205A:
69 p. September 2009 (rev July 2010).
- Assessment of the biological monitoring program in Honolulu Harbor for the TOPA Financial Center thermal discharge, Honolulu Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 988I: 5 pp. May 2009.
- Essential Fish Habitat Assessment for the reef off Gray's Beach, Waikiki, Oahu, Hawaii.
AECOS No. 1152E: 11 pp. March 2009.
- Marine biological resources near Gray's Beach, Waikiki, Oahu. AECOS No. 1152D: 54 p. January 2009.
- Marine environmental monitoring for the Kuhio Beach small-scale beach nourishment project, Waikiki, Oahu. Three-month and fifteen-month post-dredging monitoring results. AECOS No. 936C: 26 p. July 2008.
- Marine environmental monitoring plan for the Gray's Beach nourishment project, Waikiki, Oahu. AECOS No. 1152A: 26 p. September 2007.
- Water quality and biological surveys of the proposed small boat shipyard site, Keehi
Lagoon, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1139A: 23 pp. April 2007.
- Water Quality and marine resources survey for a proposed shoreline restoration project
at Iroquois Point, Ewa Beach, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1044A: 29 pp. April 2007.
- Coral survey for a proposed shoreline restoration project at Iroquois Point, Ewa Beach, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1044B: 16 pp. March 2007.
- Marine environmental monitoring for the Kuhio Beach small-scale beach nourishment project, Waikiki, Oahu. AECOS No. 936B: 19 pp. January 2007.
- Marine environmental monitoring plan for the Kuhio Beach small-scale beach nourishment project, Waikiki, Oahu. AECOS No. 936B: 7 pp. April 2006.
- Annual report, Kahe Generating Station, NPDES monitoring program for 2002. AECOS No. 649L. February 2003.
- Annual report, Kahe Generating Station, NPDES monitoring program for 2001. AECOS No. 649K. February 2002.
- An aquatic resources survey for shoreline improvements and nearshore dredging at 567 Portlock Road, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 933: 14 p. November 2002.
- Aquatic resources survey for the HECO Waiau Power Generating Station on East Loch of
Pearl Harbor, Oahu. AECOS No. 961A: 15 p. December 2001.
- Annual report, Kahe Generating Station, NPDES monitoring program for 2000. AECOS No. 649J: 15 p. February 2001.
- Biological reconnaissance survey of the Marisco Industrial Subdivision at Kalaeloa Barbers Point Harbor on leeward Oahu. AC021: 13 pp. 2000.
- Annual Report. Kahe Generating Station, NPDES Monitoring Program for 1994. AECOS No. 649D: 32p + append. March 1995.
- Environmental assessment for a sea water system intake at the Ihilani Hotel and Spa, Ko Olina, Oahu. AECOS No. 635B. 1995.
- Environmental Assessment for Sea Wall Repair, Makaha, Oahu. AECOS No. 776. 1995.
- Ihilani Hotel and Spa, Ko Olina, Oahu. Draft environmental assessment for a sea water
intake. AECOS No. 635B: 52 p. 1994.
- Annual Report. Kahe Generating Station, NPDES Monitoring Program for 1993. AECOS No. 649C: 32p + append. February 1994.
- Final environmental assessment, sea wall and drainage system at 98-165 Aiea Kai Way, Kalauao, Ewa, Oahu. AECOS No. 742: 12 p. 1993.
- Ihilani Resort and Spa. Final environmental assessment for a flow-through sea water system. AECOS No. 635: 54 p. 1993.
- Annual Report. Kahe Generating Station, NPDES Monitoring Program for 1992. AECOS No. 649B: 33p + append. February 1993.
- Marine biota impacts and mitigations for the proposed Kakaako Beach Park off Fort Armstrong, Honolulu. AECOS No. 625B: 48 p. December 1992.
- Marine algae surveys for the Ewa Marina coastline. Summer 1992. AECOS No. 643C: 27 p. October 1992.
- Algal distribution maps 1986 - 1991 marine bench environment, Ko Olina Resort. AECOS 607A: 50 p. 1992.
- A marine environmental impact assessment for the Kapolei Business-Industrial Park
Drainage Channel at Barbers Point, Oahu. AECOS No. 583B: 48 p. June 1990 (July 1991 revised).
- Part III. Post Construction surveys of algae and invertebrates on the marine bench and
the nearshore bottom adjacent to the Ko Olina Resort lagoons. AECOS No. 607. 1991.
- Biological Monitoring Program, Shoreline Bench Environment near Ko Olina Lagoon 1, West Beach, Oahu. AECOS No. 472B: 128 p. May 1991.
- Marine biota baseline studies, Kakaako Makai Waterfront Project. AECOS No. 625: 36 p. January 1991.
- Marine reconnaissance survey for a proposed storm drain outlet in Barbers Point Deep
Draft Harbor, Barbers Point, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 581: 12 p. November 1989.
- Assessment of the Impacts from the "Exxon Houston" Oil Spill at Barbers Point, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 565: 42 p. April 1989.
- Biological Reconnaissance Survey and Environmental Assessment for Pier 1 Modifications, Honolulu Harbor, Hawaii. AECOS No. 550: 8 p. September 1988.
- Biological Reconnaissance Surveys of Selected Areas in Keehi Lagoon, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 498: 16 p. May 1988.
- Quantitative and Qualitative Biological Surveys Along Proposed Channel Alignments for the Ewa Marina Community Development, Ewa, Oahu. AECOS No. 451: 47 p. April 1986.
- Marine environmental baseline survey in support of the development plan and environmental impact statement for Piers 12 to 15 in Honolulu Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii.
AECOS No. 365: 21 p. December 1982.
- A reconnaissance survey of the nearshore marine environment off the Proposed Ewa
Marina Community, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 289: 30 p. October 1980.
- A reconnaissance survey of the Iroquois Point Naval Housing Area, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS
No. 216: 36 p. September 1979.
- Zooplankton and larval fish study off Sand Island and Mokapu ocean outfall sewage disposal areas. Year 02, Final Report. AECOS No. 141B: 80 pp plus append. 1979.
- Post-construction Water Quality, Benthic Habitat and Epifaunal Survey for the Reef
Runway, Honolulu International Airport. Final Report, Part B: Benthic Biology. AECOS No. 142B: 69 p. March 1979.
- Zooplankton and larval fish study off Sand Island and Mokapu ocean outfall sewage disposal areas. Year 02, Interim Report, Third Sampling Quarter and Preliminary Summary. ECI No. 141: 79 pp. August 1978.
- Zooplankton and larval fish study off Sand Island and Mokapu ocean outfall sewage disposal areas. Year 02, Interim Report, Second Sampling Quarter. ECI No. 141: 31 pp. June 1978.
- Marine environmental survey for the Keehi unauthorized landfill. ECI No. 152: 57 p. 1978.
- Environmental surveys of deep ocean sites in Hawaii after disposal of harbor dredged materials. [Honolulu] ECI No. 144. 1978.
- Zooplankton and larval fish study off Sand Island and Mokapu ocean outfall sewage disposal areas. Year 02, Interim Report, First Quarter. ECI No. 141: 21 pp. December 1977.
- Post construction water quality, benthic habitat and epifauna survey for the reef runway, Honolulu International Airport. Interim Report. ECI No. 142A: 37 pp. October 1977.
- Zooplankton and larval fish baseline surveys off Sand Island and Mokapu ocean outfall sewage disposal areas. ECI No. 141A: 153 pp. 1977.
- Assessment of Circulation Conditions and Ecological Impact within the Proposed Barbers
Point Deep Draft Harbor. ECI No. 131: 38 pp. January 1977.
- Preliminary Environmental Impact Studies on the Marine Environment at Maunalua Bay. ECI No. 124: 65 pp. August 1975.
- Marine Environmental Assessment, Barbers Point Barge Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii. ECI No. 126: 110 pp. November 1975.
- (with Hawaiian Electric Co.). The marine environmental impact of the Honolulu Generating Station. A summary of the 1974 investigations. 102 pp. 1974
- Marine resource assessment and water quality survey for Kahana Bay Erosion Mitigation Project, Kahana Bay Maui. AECOS No.1564B: 70 pp. March 2021.
- Marine resource assessment methodology for Kahana Bay Erosion Mitoigation Project,
Kahana Bay, Mauii. AECOS No. 1584: 16 pp. May 2019.
- Marine resources survey of barge anchor spud locations at Makani Kai Marina, Kaneohe, Oahu. Letter report. AECOS 1481B: 14 pp. April 2017.
- Marine resources survey of damaged piles at Makani Kai Marina, Kaneohe, Oahu. Letter report. AECOS No 1481: 6 pp. August 2016.
- Marine biological and water quality surveys for Lilipuna Pier repairs, Kaneohe, Oahu. AECOS No. 1355: 39 pp. September 2013.
- Biological surveys of marine resources in south Kaneohe Bay along two corridors proposed for subterranean pipelines. AECOS No. 1215C: 40 p. February 2010.
- Preconstruction environmental summary report and proposed biological sampling plan, Turtle Bay Resort Master Plan Development, Kahuku, Oahu, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1119B:
35 p. August 2006.
- Fringing reef communities along routes proposed for a dredged spoils pipeline configuration related to the Kaneohe Safeway Aroclor 1260 cleanup, Kaneohe Bay, Oahu. AECOS No. 928H: 11 p. February 2002.
- Revisit biological reconnaissance survey and water quality sampling off the Kahauola
Street relief drain at Sunset Beach, Oahu. AECOS No. 653B: 14 p. 2000.
- A follow-up marine biological survey for the Laie Wastewater Reclamation Facility. AECOS No. 694B: 26 p. November 1994.
- Marine baseline biological & water quality studies, Laie Wastewater Reclamation Facility
EIS. Laie, Oahu. AECOS No. 694. 1994.
- Lanikai Flood Control Project. Biological reconnaissance surveys of the Lanikai fringing reef off the project area. AECOS No. 553: 11 pp. January 1989.
- Post-construction Ecological Reconnaissance off the east shore of Kualoa Beach Park. AECOS No. 361?. 1986.
- Baseline marine ecological reconnaissance off the east shore of Kualoa Beach Park. AECOS No. 361A: 15 p. October 1982.
- Marine environmental survey for the Pupukea Drainage Improvement Project. AECOS No. 224: 25 p. June 1979.
- Zooplankton and larval fish study off Sand Island and Mokapu ocean outfall sewage disposal areas. Year 02, Final Report. AECOS No. 141: 80 pp plus append. 1979.
- Zooplankton and larval fish study off Sand Island and Mokapu ocean outfall sewage disposal areas. Year 02, Interim Report, Third Sampling Quarter and Preliminary Summary. ECI No. 141: 79 pp. August 1978.
- Zooplankton and larval fish study off Sand Island and Mokapu ocean outfall sewage disposal areas. Year 02, Interim Report, Second Sampling Quarter. ECI No. 141: 31 pp. June 1978.
- Zooplankton and larval fish study off Sand Island and Mokapu ocean outfall sewage disposal areas. Year 02, Interim Report, First Quarter. ECI No. 141: 21 pp. December 1977.
- Zooplankton and larval fish baseline surveys off Sand Island and Mokapu ocean outfall sewage disposal areas. ECI No. 141: 153 p. 1977.
- Marine biological Survey for the Kailua Beach Erosion Control Project site, Kailua, Oahu.
ECI No. 138: 27 p. August 1977.
- Marine environmental reconnaissance survey for Kualoa Beach Shore Protection Project.
ECI No. 133: 47 p. March 1977.
- Observations on the marine environment at Coconut Island, Kaneohe Bay, Oahu. ECI No. 122: 23 pp. July 1975.
- Impact studies on the marine environment at Heeia Meadows. ECI No. 102: 94 p. 1974.
- Marine natural resources surveys and Essential Fish Habitat Assessment for improvements at Lahaina Small Boat Harbor on Maui. AECOS No. 1672: 23 pp. July 2021.
- Marine biological surveys for the proposed Makena Future Lands Project, Makena, Maui. AECOS No. 1602: 64 pp. February 2020.
- Environmental surveys for Front Street sea wall repairs, Lahaina, Maui. AECOS No. 1593: 40 pp. September 2019.
- Biological Evaluation for maintenance dredging of Kihei Boat Ramp basin, Kihei, Maui. AECOS No. 1540D: 30 pp. September 2018.
- Marine biological and water quality surveys for maintenance dredging of Kihei Boat Ramp basin, Kihei, Maui. AECOS No. 1540: 53 pp. June 2018.
- Marine biological and water quality surveys for the Kaanapali Golf Course Project, Kaanapali, Maui. AECOS No. 1496: 62 pp. June 2017.
- Marine biological surveys for the proposed Makena Resort M-5/M-6/S-7/B-2 project, Makena, Maui. AECOS No. 1470: 58 pp. September 2016.
- Biological and water quality surveys for Drainage System "B" Improvements, Kaunakakai, Molokai. AECOS No. 1290C: 37 pp. August 2015.
- Essential Fish Habitat Assessment for Honoapiilani Highway shoreline protection at
Olowalu, Maui. AECOS No. 1176C: 30 p. June 2015.
- Biological evaluation and Essential Fish Habitat Assessment, Lahaina Small Boat Harbor Improvement Project, Maui, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1045H: 57 pp. August 2014.
- Marine biological survey for a vessel landing site at Maluaka Beach, Wailea, Maui. AECOS No. 1387: 16 pp. April 2014.
- Assessment of impacts to essential fish habitat and corals at Lahaina Small Boat Harbor
for Ferry Pier Improvements scaled-back Alternative No. 3. Letter report. AECOS No. 1045G: 12 pp. December 2013.
- Manele Harbor coral transplantation plan. AECOS No. 1353: 20 pp. June 2013.
- Summary report: Pre- and post-dredging video assessment of entrance channel margins at Lahaina Small Boat Harbor, Maui. AECOS No. 1302B: 5 pp. July 2012.
- Kaunakakai ferry system improvements coral transplantation plan. AECOS No. 1211B: 19 pp. March 2012.
- Marine biological survey for the Hanalei Plantation Resort Project, Hanalei, Kauai. AECOS No. 1271B: 75 pp. March 2012.
- Coral transplantation plan for maintenance dredging and pier removal project in Lahaina Small Boat Harbor, Maui, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1302A: 9 pp. February 2012.
- Marine biological, wetland, and water quality surveys for drainage system improvements Kaunakakai, Molokai, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1290: 27 pp. January 2012.
- Biological reconnaissance and water quality surveys for Kaunakakai Harbor Ferry System Improvements, Kaunakakai, Molokai, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1211 (rev.): 32 p. January 2011.
- Biological and water quality surveys of Manele Small Boat Harbor in Manele Bay, Lanai.
AECOS No. 1226: 24 p. March 2010.
- Marine biological and water quality surveys for ferry pier improvements at Lahaina Small
Boat Harbor, Lahaina, Maui. AECOS No. 1045C: 53 p. February 2010.
- Biological and water quality surveys in the marine environment fronting a drainage canal
in Maalaea, Maui. AECOS No. 1177: 17 p. December 2009.
- Biological and water quality surveys for seawall repair at Lokelani Condominium, West
Maui. AECOS No. 1204: 20 p. November 2009.
- A reconnaissance survey of the marine environment of Napili Bay, Maui. AECOS No. 1181:
10 pp. October 2008.
- Essential Fish Habitat Assessment, Iroquois Point beach restoration and stabilization
project. AECOS No. 1044C: 23 p. September 2008.
- Hana Wharf Improvement Project: water quality and marine survey of potential impact areas in Hana Harbor, Hana, Maui. AECOS No. 1121: 33 pp. February 2007.
- Maalaea Mauka Development: Water quality and marine biology of Ma'alaea Harbor and nearby Ma'alaea Bay. AECOS No. 1094: 48 pp. August 2006.
- Ferry terminal improvements at Maalaea Small Boat Harbor: Marine and coastal survey of potential impact sites. AECOS No. 1080: 22 pp. February 2005.
- Marine biology and water quality surveys for ferry pier improvements at Lahaina Small
Boat Harbor, Lahaina, Maui. AECOS No. 1045B: 26 p. 2005.
- Environmental assessment for the Kaehu Residential Project, Paukukalo-Waiehu, Wailuku, Maui (TMK: 3-3-01:01). AECOS No. 1026. March 31, 2003.
- Reconnaissance survey of the nearshore environment for a Lower Hono-a-Piilani Road improvements project, West Maui. AECOS No. 958. August 2000.
- Water quality and biological assessments for the Kalamaula Drainage Improvement
Project, Molokai, Hawaii. AECOS No. 822: 23 p. April 1995.
- Coastal engineering and marine environment investigations for Lahaina Drainline "F" Improvements, Lahaina, Maui. [with Sea Engineering Inc., #94-47]. AECOS No. 786. July 1994.
- A follow-up marine biological survey for the Laie waste water reclamation facility. AECOS 694B: 17 p. 1994.
- Maalaea Triangle and Maui Ocean Center. Final environmental assessment for a sea water system and drainage improvements. AECOS 780: 91 p. 1994.
- biological and water quality surveys of fresh water and marine environments for the Hana Ranch Golf Course. AECOS No. 671: 35 p. July 1992.
- Benthic and Fish Communities of the Kaunakakai Reef Environment in the Vicinity of the Kaunakakai Drainage System. AECOS No. 699: 24 p. April 1992.
- An assessment of impacts on the marine environment of proposed expansion plans for the Kahului Airport, Maui. AECOS No. 618: 24 p. 1991.
- Biological and Water Quality Studies in the Marine Environment for a Proposed Hotel Development at Kamaole, Maui. AECOS No. 564: 17 p. March 1989.
- Biological and water quality impact assessment for a proposed mooring area at Wailea, Maui. AECOS No. 571. 1989.
- Biological and Water Quality Studies in the Marine Environment for a Proposed Marina Development at Launiupoko, West Maui, Hawaii. AECOS No. 512B: 69 p. December 1988.
- Marine reconnaissance survey of the reef flat off Honokowai Point, Maui. AECOS No. ???. 1987.
- Biological Surveys in the Marine Benthic Environment off the Old Kaanapali Airstrip, Kaanapali, Maui, Hawaii. AECOS No. 453: 39 p. November 1986.
- Environmental surveys of deep ocean sites in Hawaii after disposal of harbor dredged materials. [Kahului] ECI 144. 1978.
- A Reconnaissance Survey of Nearshore Marine Environments at Kihei, Maui. ECI No. 140:
70 p. September 1977.
- Marine environmental reconnaissance study for Lahaina Small Boat Harbor, Maui, Hawaii. ECI No. ???: 85 pp. 1976.
- Marine Biology of the Makena-Ahihi Region (Maui). ECI No. 112: 50 pp. July 1974.
- Honolua Bay Study: Geological, Physical, and Biological Surveys. ECI No. 106: 62 pp. May 1974.
- Marine biological survey at Kawaihae Small Boat Harbor,Kawaihae, Hawaii. AECOS No.1776: 30 pp. July 2023.
- Biological and water quality surveys for Kawaihae Harbor, Kawaihae, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1446B: 44 pp. May 2016.
- Marine Resources Description Kawaihae Boat Harbor, Kawaihae, Hawaii. Letter report prep. for WCP, Inc. AECOS No. 1446: 13 pp. August 2015.
- Marine resources survey of Keauhou Small Boat Harbor, Keauhou, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1347B: 22 p. June 2013.
- Keauhou Small Boat Harbor coral transplantation plan. AECOS No. 1324D: 27 pp. April 2013.
- Marine resources survey of Keauhou Small Boat Harbor, Keauhou, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1347A: 45 p. March 2013.
- Kawaihae Small Boat Harbor Phase I improvements, coral transplantation implementation plan. AECOS No. 1182D: 26 pp. August 2012.
- Marine biological and water quality surveys for Kona International Airport, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1293: 28 p. February 2012.
- Marine biological surveys in Kawaihae Small Boat Harbor, Kawaihae, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1182B: 47 p. November 2009.
- Biological and water quality surveys at Richardson Beach Park in Hilo, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1197: 21 p. August 2009.
- Marine biological survey of Kawaihae Small Boat Harbor (South), Kawaihae, Hawaii. AECOS No. 1182A: 47 p. November 2008.
- Marine resources considerations for improvements to the Kapoho-Kalapana Road on the Island of Hawaii. AECOS No. 944: 9 p. October 2000.
- An environmental assessment for a day-use and storm refuge mooring in Kealakekua Bay.[with Dr. R. E. Brock]. AECOS No. 598: 45 p. 1990.
- Environmental surveys of deep ocean sites in Hawaii after disposal of harbor dredged materials. [Hilo] ECI 144. 1978.
- Environmental Assessment of Proposed Sand Mining North of Kawaihae Harbor. ECI No.
111. 1973.
- Environmental Assessment of Proposed Sand Mining off Kaloko Pond, Hawaii. ECI No. 105. 1973.
- Waiulua Bay. ECI No. 90: 40 pp. 1971.
- Marine biological survey around Sumay Peninsula, Apra Harbor, Guam. (w/ EA Engineering Science and Technology). AECOS No. 1255: 21 pp. December 2010.
- Interim report. Guam Northern District Waste Water Treatment Plant outfall, water quality and biological impacts assessment. Prep. for Engineering Concepts Inc. and U.S. Navy. AECOS No. 1180A: 51 p. February 2009.
- Biological reconnaissance surveys of terrestrial and reef environments at the west end of Amata Kabua International Airport, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands. AECOS No. 1144: 34 p. July 2007.
- Majuro ARFF. Natural Environment Description. AECOS Consultants No. AC062: 31 p. March 2007.
- Marine biological and water quality surveys for a proposed wharf expansion in Apra Harbor, Piti, Guam. AECOS No. 1074: 36 p. March 2006.
- Coastal and Marine Resources Survey of Kagman Peninsula, Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands for the Kagman Waste Water Treatment System. AECOS No. 1025: 27 p. January 2003.
- Babeldaob Island dredge sites assessment for the Palau Compact Road. [with Sea Engineering, Inc.]. AECOS No. 850C: 189 p. April 1998.
- Biological and water quality reconnaissance survey for the Marine Lift Facility, U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands. AECOS No. 720: 18 p. 1993.
- Biological reconnaissance and transect surveys on the reef off the Rainmaker Hotel at Utulei, Tutuila, American Samoa. AECOS No. 448: 36 p. November 1985.
- Baseline marine environmental surveys and impact assessment relative to dredging of Peleliu Community Dock harbor and access channel. AECOS No. 204. 1979.
- Water circulation study, Pou Bay, Moen Island, Truk, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. ECI No. 135: 60 p. January 1979.
- Environmental surveys for the Babelthuap-Koror Airport and Peleliu Island Interim Airport on, Palau Distict, Western Caroiline Islands, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. ECI No. 146: 177 pp. March 1978.
- Environmental Assessment. Missile Impacts, Illeginni Island at the Kwajalein Missile Range. Kwajalein Atoll, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. AECOS No. 145: 51 p. December 1977.
- Baseline marine environmental and avifaunal survey, Moen and Dublon pier enlargements, Truk Atoll. ECI No. 135: 79 p. April 1977.
- Marine reconnaissance surveys for the Coconut Point shoreline erosion control project Nuuuli, American Samoa. ECI No. 139: 119 pp. September 1977.

Related Report Listings:
AECOS estuary surveys
AECOS miscellaneous reports
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AECOS report titles typically use appropriate ʻokina and kahakō markings for Hawaiian place names. These have been removed in the listings on this page to aid place name searches.
If interested in obtaining a copy of a report listed here (and provided the client does not object to its release if not a public document), send a request by email to the AECOS Inc. office [AECOS@AECOS.com]. It is important to provide the correct job number in your request. Documents that can be distributed as an email attachment (.PDF) are usually provided at no charge. Some older documents may not be available from our archives.
ECI refers to the original name of AECOS Inc (Environmental Consultants Inc.) incorporated in the State of Hawai‘i in 1971. The name was changed to AECOS Inc. as of January 1, 1979.