Kane`ohe Stream Project
AECOS Inc. / Oceanit Laboratories Inc.

The purposes of the Kane`ohe Stream Project are to enhance community appreciation of Kane`ohe Stream, improve the quality of the water discharged into Kane`ohe Bay, and improve habitat in the stream for native aquatic fauna. This effort is tied to studies to understand influences of land uses on water quality in this windward O`ahu, perennial stream system (State ID No. 3-2-10) that flows into south Kane`ohe Bay. This WWWeb effort supplements the Department of Health Total Maximum Daily Load, Kane`ohe Stream program.

Links to Posted Materials

Data Collection/Display Areas:
David, Susan, and Mellisa (Dept. of Health) holding an `o`opu taken (temporarily) from a tributary of Kane`ohe Stream

Kane`ohe Stream Views

Photographs are listed here in order from upstream to downstream. Station numbers refer to Oceanit Laboratories/AECOS Inc. TMDL monitoring locations:

Streams tributary to or locations at Ho`omaluhia Reservoir

    Headwaters, Nu`uanu Pali (Sta. 1g on Hi`ilaniwai Str.)
    Station 1f on Kamo`oali`i Stream just upstream of Koolau Golf Course
    Station 1e on unamed truibutary at Hawaii Pacific University
    Station 1i on Hi`ilaniwai tributary just upstream of Kamehameha Hwy and H-3 freeway exchange
    Station 1d on Kamo`oali`i Stream within Hoomaluhia Botanical Garden
    Station 1b, pipe outlet at Ho`omaluhia Botanical Garden
    Station 1c on Kamo`oali`i Stream just upstream of Ho`omaluhia Res.
    Station 1h

Streams tributary to or locations in Kamo`oali`i Stream between the reservoir and Kane`ohe Stream:

Kapunahala and Kane`ohe Streams:


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