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For more information or to reserve a seat in the bus call 738-0084 or email palolo@hawaii.edu. We will board the Gomes school bus fronting Sinclair Circle, UH Manoa, above the Dole St. - University Ave. intersection. Please bring your own lunch, water and a change of clothes and towel. We will work in the lo`i and swim in the reservoir before reboarding the bus. There is no fee. Children are welcome. Wear reefwalkers or other footgear. Wear clothing that can be stained with mud.
Hui `Aina o Kahana: Work Day
Aloha kakou,
This month our regular ahupua`a tour and work day in Kahana will
occur on Earth Day, Saturday, April 22. In celebration of this day we
will be working in the mauka lo`i in the morning and then move makai
in the afternoon to join Kai Makana at the beach to welcome solo
paddler, Donna Kahakui. For those of you who read the MidWeek, there is an article in this week's issue on Donna Kahakui ("Paddling Solo to Save the Sea"),
founder of Kai Makana, a non-profit organization composed of, among
others, a number of paddlers and kayakers. Donna is paddling solo in
a one-man canoe around O`ahu to call attention to the plight of the
Many of the paddlers, all islands no doubt, are majorly concerned about sea animals trapped in fishing lines and nets, turtles with tumors, and the tremendous floating masses of plastic bags, beer bottles, cigarette butts and other paraphernalia. We think if we clean the beaches we have the situation under control. But reality is that most of the junk is floating out where we can't see it. But paddlers can.
![]() WHAT: Hui `Aina o Kahana: Work Day WHEN: APRIL 22,2000 8:00* am to 3:30 pm WHERE: Kahana Valley FEE: None INFO: CALL 738-0084, or email lcruz@hawaii.edu. * Meet at UH Manoa, above the Dole St. - University Ave. intersection (Look for the yellow school bus) Bring lunch, water, change of clothes (swimming at the beach this time) Children are welcome *There is no fee* To reserve a seat in the bus, email me at palolo@hawaii.rr.com, or call 738-0084. |
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Ahupua`a Action Alliance Kahana work day, summer 1999 (all photos courtesy of Noenoe Silva)