131a |
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Antennae long and filiform (narrow, filament-like); maxillary palps short. In the water, frequently seen hanging head downward at the surface, or swimming by moving both hind legs together ~ Family Dytiscidae
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131b |
Antennae short and club-shaped; maxillary palps as long or longer than the antennae. In the water air carried in a film on the ventral surface; swimming by moving hind legs alternately. Water scavenger beetles
~ Family Hydrophilidae
132a |
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Adult beetle about 1 cm long or slightly more. Males (only) with as many as 30 sucker discs on the underside of fore and middle tarsi Rhantus pacificus Boisdduval
132b |
Adults smaller, less than 0.5 cm long and closer to 0.25 cm. Males with far fewer sucker discs on tarsi
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Underside of thorax having a sternal keel, projecting backwards as a long spine. Moderately large, 8-9.5 mmm long
Underside of thorax may have a sternal process, but this not a continuous keel terminating in backward-pointing spine; OR posterior segment only projecting as a short spine
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Pronotum and elytra uniformly black with a metalic hue Tropisternus salsamentus Fall
Pronotum and elytra metalic black with yellow lateral margins Tropisternus lateralis humeralis Motschulsky
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Larger species, typically greater than 7.5 mm long. Elytra with 10 regular series of tiny punctures
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146b |
Smaller, less than 8 mm long. Elytra with only sutural stria posteriorly, otherwise without striae or lines of punctures
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Elytra with numerouis punctures forming distinct, well-defined striations (impressed lines). Endemic Limnoxenus nesiticus (Sharp)
Elytra punctures not forming distinct striae (lines) except along posterior edge of suture. Endemic Limnoxenus semicylindricus (Eschscholtz)
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Middle segment of thorax with a sharp keel along midline of underside. First segment of middle and posterior tarsi much shorter than second segment. { Color yellowish to yellowish brown with a black head and 3-4.1 mm long. Enochrus sayi Gundersen
Middle and posterior segments of thorax with convex processes. First segment of middle and posterior tarsi at least as long as second segment. { Color of elytra mostly black, except posterior quarter yellowish red, 4-6.5 mm long.
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Elytra entirely black. Beetle 5.5-6.5 mm long. Indigenous(?) Coelostoma fabricii (Montrouzie)
Elytra black except at posterior end, which is yellowish red in color. Beetle 4.0-4.7 mm long. This species may not be established (Hansen, 1995) Coelostoma segne Balfour-Browne