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Abdomen reduced and folded under the carapace. Marine and estuarine. Crabs
Abdomen soft, curved and asymmetrical. Animal carrying an abandoned
gastropod (mollusk) shell. Marine. Hermit crabs
[Note D]
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Fifth pair of walking legs flattened like paddles. Carapace clearly broader than long. Typically living submerged in marine or estuarine environments (including mangrove areas) on soft sediment (sand or silt). Swimming crabs Family PORTUNIDAE
Fifth pair of walking legs shaped essentially like fourth pair and not paddle-shaped. Carapace about as broad as long. Living submerged or on shore (semi-terrestrial), usually in rocky areas of marine or estuarine environments
Key to Family Portunidae
Note D:
- Your identification is leading to a group with NO known fresh or brackish water representatives in Hawai‘i. The identification may be correct for the location where you made the collection or observation (e.g., near the ocean), but the species is marine and not covered in these keys. If the collection was made in freshwater, you should back up several couplets and confirm your decisions.