CPIE MultiAccess Key:

Herbaceous Plants in Hawai‘i

buffelgrass flowers

   DB ITEMS LISTED: Not applicable

      Match codes you selected:       / / / /

This MAK subkey utilizes an internal app to analyze user input and provide a result (a simple form of AI). Most of the MAK subkeys consult a database (DB) to analyze input. Information on the DB will appear in this blue box.

sedge flowers

Select a best choice from each
category below and then SUBMIT.

Do not select in any category that a value is unknown or uncertain—it is better NOT to guess because a wrong guess will limit the list of possible identifications.


MAK homepage.

Select plant characteristics from far left column.

-== Result will appear here ==-

  • GENERAL DESCRIPTION (based on your selections):
       Herbaceous (non-woody) plant
  • ROOT
    Fibrous roots
    Tap root

    Terete (round in cross-section)
    Trigonis (three-sided)
    Hollow, with conspicuous nodes
    Hollow, without nodes

    Thick, fleshy
    Without leaves (or sheaths only)

    Small and inconspicuous (tepals)
    Small or large; petals showy

    Hard, seed-like (achene)
    Soft, fleshy
    A capsule (thin-walled)

    This page introduces the multi-access keys presently developed for specific families or types of herbaceous (non-woody) plants—limited to vines (various families), grasses, sedges, and rushes) of the Hawaiian Islands. This very basic key is intended primarily for students and others for practicing with our multi-access keys while acquiring an appreciation for the differences between Monocots and Eudicots and grasses and sedges. If these groups are readily recognized by the user, the following links may be used to directly reach the appropriate MAK subkey.

    Go directly to Family POACEAE (grasses).
    Go directly to Family CYPERACEAE (sedges).
    Plant is a eudicot, herbaceous vine: Herbaceous & Woody Vines.

    Grass and sedge subkeys are based on the CPIE dichotomous key:
    A Key to the Grasses, Sedges, & Rushes of the Hawaiian Islands, and A Key to the Grasses, Sedges, & Rushes of Guam. Included are native and non-native grasses and sedges that are common in the low and middle elevations of the Islands.

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