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Spikelet with one or more conspicuous awns greater than length of spikelet
Spikelets without conspicuous awns; if present, awns not much shorter than bracts to which they are attached
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Awn arising from tip of spikelet is three parted (essentially, three awns arise from top of lemma). Spikelet long and narrow, longer than two glumes, which remain on pedicel after spikelet falls. .. .
Awns not branched, one or two awns per spikelet. Inflorescence of several (typically 3-7) ascendent (pointed upwards), racemes, arranged fan-like (flabellate) or subdigitate on a tall, thin culm.
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Awns clearly twisted at base. Glumes equal or nearly so. { Poverty threeawn [HAW - ?NAT]Aristida divaricata Humb, & Bonpl. ex Willd.
Awns not twisted at base. Glumes not equal. { Small, usually annual, clumping grass common on exposed soils in dry areas, such as around Waikoloa Village on Hawai‘i (Fig. 17B). Sixweek threeawn [HAW - NAT]
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Spikelets more or less fusiform in shape, pubescent to some degree. Dense ring of long or short hairs at culm nodes. Ligule a membrane with or without a ciliate margin .. .
Spikelets ~4.5 mm long, subglobose, somewhat flattened on one side, apices pointed to awned, but awns vary between spikelets from shorter than spikelet to 10x longer or more. Short and long scabrid "hairs" on glumes curved upwards. Spikelets arranged in 2 to several untidy rows along raceme. {Medium-sized, bunching grass, typically in wet areas and along waterways. Barnyard grass [HAW - NAT] [FACW] Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv.
All species of Echinochloa in Hawai‘i and Guam are treated starting at couplet [49].
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Some secondary branching of panicle. Spikelets along rachis occur in pairs: one sessile and one pedicillate (on an obvious narrow pedicel). Racemes with more than 8 spikelets. Genus Bothriochloa .. .
Lower leaf sheaths silky; culm nodes pubescent. Panicle with many secondary branches. Terminal racemes three: one sesile and two pedicillate. Racemes with 3 to 7 spikelets, sessile spikelets 3-4 mm long (pedicelled spikelets usually shorter). { Rare on O‘ahu, medium-sized, tufted perennial. [HAW - NAT] Capillipedium spicigerum S. T. Blake
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Inflorescence of tightly clustered (aggregated) spikelets forming lobes; initial branching more or less in one plane. Compressed spikelets on the order of 8 mm (1/3 in) in length. Glumes and lemmas spine-tipped (short-awned). Culms laterally compressed. { Medium to large, coarse, tufted perennial. Cocksfoot [HAW - NAT] [UPL]
Grass is otherwise .. .